After reading through the lactate tolerance thread on the sprint training forum, I have become increasingly interested in the concept of concurrent training as outlined by KitKat as it applys to the 400m race.
Hence for examination and discussion, here are some very general ideas. I will expand upon them as converstation merits.
[i]The following is a designed around the American collegiate system which I have worked in on occasion.
My initial plan would be as follows:
3 mesocycles/phases prior to the Christmas break.
Phase 1 (4 weeks, 3:1 ratio):
General Endurance (ext. tempo)
General Strength (AA methods, circuits)Flexibility (static early, moving to dynamic late)
Hills (week 3 only)
Techical Speed (high knee variations, ladder runs)
All of this would be designed to prepare for the next phase which would have a speed development orientation.
Phase 2 (3 weeks 2:1 ratio):
Speed (both max. vel. and accel)
Max. Strength
Jumps (short)
200m progression as outlined by KK (begin) once per week
Hills (at the end of each week)
Continue ext. tempo for recovery and maintenance of gen. end.
Phase 3 (3 weeks 2:1 ratio):
Specific Endurance (sub. maximal)
Jumps (long)
Weights to be similar to Phase 1
Pool + Stationary bike for recov. and to maintain gen end.
Acceleration work one day week to maintain contact with speed.
Testing would take place between phase 2+3 and again after phase 3 going into the break. The emphasis in testing would be designed to check the athletes state related to the work that has just been done. The perspective on this data would really only be of value of a span years in the program.[/i]
Additional notes:
-I haven’t given specific weekly plans because they would vary based on the athlete’s stage of development.
-I think that speed should be developed prior to specific endurance that is why I arranged the phases in this manner. Additionally, as I am in California w/no indoor facility, there is still some warm weather in October. By November it cools to the point that I wouldn’t want to regularly expect to be able to do max velocity work.
-NCAA regs limit the number of contact days ( I forget the #) and hours (8 per week) particularly in the off-season.
That’s it for General Prep. Feel free to fire away with opinions/questions. I need to made to think and justify what I am doing in order to both learn and teach.