Here is my $64,000 question:
With the importance of speed, strength, size, and anaerobic endurance in football, what do you recommend for daily priorities during the offseason. While many books explain periodization, cycles, and so forth, yours (CFTS) is the only one that addresses the difference between Muscular and CNS fatigue. I thought Christian would cover his micro, including the running, agility and plyos, in his new book, but he did not.
Obviously every year, the athletes will be able to handle more, so I am asking for the 11th or 12th grader, with two to three solid years of lifting, football, and track experience. My younger guys basically do GPP work and some skipping and hopping drills, along with core work and lighter lifting to prepare them for the 11th-12th grade offseason.
We currently use a system similar to Joe Kenn’s tier system, slightly modified, and follow your guidelines for running… speed or accel on lifting days, and tempo on off days. My problem comes with plyo work… a few of my guys are ready for some shock work (they are able to squat 2-2.5X BW top of thighs parallel).
Should I add some plyo work on speed days, or would it be ok to do a limited number of jumps before tempos? I know they drain the CNS, but to what extent?
I guess the problem is that many of the kids only run and lift after school. So, we have about an hour on the field/track and an hour in the weightroom on lift days. I keep volume low presently, and we have made great gains, but I know what jump training did for my vertical and ability to elevate on the move. I would like to share some of this with my seniors at least who will be playing on Saturday next year…
Thanks for answering a question rarely addressed in all of the “sports training” books.
BTW- How do you have a book about periodization and building of micro, macro and meso cycles, and only discuss lifting volume? I know many guys who were stronger than me who couldn’t run…
Isn’t running, and it’s periodization, volume and intensity, a significant portion of athletic development. If so, why are so many books that are touted as athletic training bibles so lacking when it comes to developing the micro with running/agility included?
I have Bompa, Siff, CFTS, Zatsiorski, Thibideau, Davies, etc… and still am waiting…maybe it’s time to start writing…
I know what we do, and have been successful, but I am young and lack your experience and wisdom.
Thank you Coach.
Always a student,
Coach H