CNS fatigue muscle spasms?

Ok, I’ve come to understand that these minor muscle tremors I’m having are cause by CNS fatigue. I’m fairly certain that I’m experiencing them right now because of a lack of sleep. So, I am planning on getting some of that (sleep I mean) as soon as possible, but in the meantime, what can I do to make the spasms go away? They’re not painful, just annoying. I tried stretching and massaging it a bit, but it doesn’t seem to work. Maybe deep tissue work would help? Contrast shower? Any suggestions?


Try Magnesium. It will help the muscles to relax. B-12 sublingual or injections. 10 days of light tempo depending on how severe your fatigue is.

Do these muscle spasms happen in different muscles or in the same muscle(s) all the time?

It’s only in my quads actually, right up at the top near my knee. Why do you ask?


but since i am taking wednesday off and the weekend off i think i am getting adaquete rest. So lets take a look here.
i am doing My special endurace on monday which is not toooo hard on your CNS am i correct? I am then doing core lifts (loympic and squats) which is hard on my CNS.
Then on tuesday i am doing tempo but also going into the gym to bench heavy but everything else i am doing i nthe gym isnt hard on my CNS since i am doing more than 6 reps although it is nearly to failure.
Then i am letting my CNS recovery on Wednesday and taxoing it as hard as i do all week on thursday by doing max velocity and accelaration work follwed by oly.lifts nad squats.
Then on Friday i am again doing tempo but going into the gym doing bodybuilding exesises 6-8 reps which are not hitting my CNS hard and i am taking off sat and sunday to rest.

do you see any problems with this? how else could it be done? although i am doing some basic bodybuilding work since the volume is more significant than the intensity i thoguht it would be ok.

I think you’ve answered your own question.

i been experienceing the same thing the past 2-3 days!! slight musle twitching in my right upper quad, glute, and yesterday one of my abs on the right side kept twitching. I have only been doing 1 special endurance and 1 speed day per week so how can i be certaqin this is CNS fatigue?
also one more question… this is my lifting setup as of now…

mon-snatch,squat, hams, abs

tues-flat bench,incline bench, side shoulder raises, front shoulder raises, triceps


thurs-powerclean,squat, hams, abs

Fri-pullups,seated rows, pulldowns, db rows


each day i lift i go real heavy… with the olympic lifts i do 4-6 sets of 3, squats i do 4-5 sets of 3-5, bench i do 5 sets of 2-5, and everything else i do 6-8 reps.

i am doing my oly lifts and squats on my speed days but sonce i am also lifitng heavy the other days i lift can this be causing CNS fatigue?

Originally posted by ngorevic
It’s only in my quads actually, right up at the top near my knee. Why do you ask?

Maybe it’s not CNS fatigue but actually an injury, however slight. Muscles can sometimes spasm during recovery, hence the use of EMS machines to ape this natural reaction.

id just like to add…
one of my right ab has been doing this all day and it wont stop!! its annoying!
this happen to anyone?