Okay guys, here’s the situation. Right now I’m around 195ish with about 10 percent bodyfat. My goal, since I am on scholarship for track and field as a 400 meter dash sprinter, is to get to 180 lbs 6-7 percent bodyfat by practice, which is August 16th, without losing much LBM or strength. My question is, what type of diet should I have? Should it be the typical bodybuilders cutting diet or should it be tweaked to fit a more active schedule for an athlete? here is what my training is going to look like, and please feel free to critique it being as harsh as possible:
Day 1- am weightroom-backsquats, lunges, step ups, core work
Day 2- pm sprints-nothing over 1000 meters of combined distance(8x100 meters, 200x4, 300x3)
Day 3- am weightroom- powercleans, hang cleans, one legged squats, weighted hyperextensions
pm sprints- 2-3 200 meter dash timed sprints, goal is to beat previous time each week
Day 4-am weightroom- barbell bench, incline dumbell, barbell shoulder press, core work, arms, calves
day 5- am plyometrics
pm sprints- 4x400s
day 6- am-tennis, basketball, or football.
pm- weighroom-whatever I want to do(my choice)
Day 7-rest
usually i’ll eat 5 meals or so a day including lean meats, complex carbs 2x a day, protein shakes after my workouts, and a fat source before bed.
please help. reps for well thought out replies and ideas.