Chris6878's journal.

4/14 off
4/15 bench am. 2x5x205 3x5x225
pm speed. Got rained out. I tried to run through the rain but it got worse.
6x10 bs. 1x40 1x60 bs

weights pm
squats- 3x5x225 1x5x275 1x5x315
sl back ext 2x10

back am. 3x10 oh pullus
5x5x45 oh pull
2x10 under hand

tempo tonight
5x100 warmup
3x5x100 40-48 sec rest rep/2-3min per set.

How was your fall training - any gpp/spp details?

I’ll have to up my fall workouts. Basically started in August. Stayed on grass until jan. doing a short to long. But I’ll past the workouts sometime this week.

am bench 5x5x205 felt a lil weak this morning. THe 205 wasnt hard but I didnt have the energy to go up. taking off today. going out of town. Im hoping to find a place in orlando to workout for the next few days

In orlando with wife. That morning i decided to check out the wide world of sports since they have a track. I know they will charge so i am prepared to pay. What i wasnt prepared for was them telling me people cant train on the track. I say wtf, whats the use of a track if its only used 3 times a year for 3 meets. ofcourse no answer. shit made no fucking sense. meanwhile i see tons of people at the disney resorts running down the street, on the sidewalk, in the grass, trying to get a workout in. I wonder how much money they could get by charging to use the facilities. Retards

so I google a another track and a park comes up, its like 30 mins away and I say screw it i need to run. I finally arrive and what do i see, a track made out of road, not gravel, not soft spikable asphlat, but highway road. wtf. I then spot a baseball field and go hop the fence.
I had planned to do 200,150 but that wasnt happening. so I just marked off 60-70 m and did some runs
3x3x60-70meters. 20sec rep/6 mins per set.

I thought i was gonna die byt the last one. I was going pretty fast. Never though I would feel that out of breath. it was a tough one. I hate disney

4/19 off
4/20 tempo 2000m
abs and glute work

What are your times for 100-300m tempo runs?

Was just shaking my legs out today after returning from Orlando. But this year I run the 100s in 16-17 secs, with 50m walk. The 300s I haven’t timed. Most the time I time the 100 and 200 runs. The 200s are between 30-33

Are they on grass?

Yes always on grass, unless the grass is too wet

Don’t you think those times are a little fast for ext tempo?

Well I do a timed tempo once a week. And those are the times I target. I would never do those for every tempo day. my other tempo days I don’t time the runs. only time the rest. I also don’t run nearly as fast

also you need to clear out your inbox. is your email still the same? Ill shoot you those workouts I did from august till now.

4/21 meet finally this Saturday. these once a month meets don’t cut it. cant run fast times without meets
Today I felt sluggish, and my partner let me know by blasting me out the blocks.
3x20m isorobic
5x10 bs
5x40 bs- I was getting the business today
2x20m fly 2.22 2.03. I should’ve warmup more before the first fly after my break.
1x120 13.4- surpised I could even run that fast. I was working form and relaxation

gym- im going into a max strength phase and today was a trial run
hang snatch 5x3x95
sq 2x3x315
bench 2x3x225, 2x3x245

ill give todays work out a c.

Should be good.

tempo 10x100 easy

What type of soft tissue work?

Yea just a flush. Nothing deep.

Am back. Pullups and pull downs
pm tempo 10x100 easy and stretch
gym-3x3 high pulls

Bench 3x3
tonight blocks