Chris6878's journal.

Tempo 6x150 legs felt beatup. I need some therapy
Weights bp 3x3x225
pulldown rows 3x8
Epsolm salt bath

Spec end day
4x30m bs didnt get down to 3.9 till the last rep. Hams and body is sore.
2x160 after the first one i called it. I couldnt aplly the pressure to the track without feeling pains.

WEight room- I felt alot better after my 2nd warmup set of hang cleans
hclean-2x3x185 and 195
squat 2x3x365
stiff deads-3x6x185

sauna and stretch
bp 2x3x225
pull down and row 3x8
pushups abs

6x150. Man these was some slow 150’s. one more fast workout then I can get some much needed therapy.