Chris6878's journal.

Yea I was coming off one. I dont know what happened. Our workout sunday me and my partner were going at it hard. Then We killed the plyos and the weight room. I guess that killed us cause he was beatup too. He stopped at 200 meters and said screw it. lolI think we need some therapy.

Been out of commission for a few days. Got food poisoning on 12/3. Koed me for about 3 days. Did tempo yesterday and hit the weights
bp 3,2,2,2 225,245,245,255
rows and abs.

First fast day after being sick. Times were slow. Felt and looked sluggish.
4x30 bs

weight room
hang clean-4,3,3,2 135,185,185,205
My partner was pcleaning. He got passed 225 but couldnt get 245. I went to try it after doing my cleans and got it pretty easily. I was quite dizzy afterwards.
squat6,5,4,4 225,315,385,385
good morning3x8x135

How much has your strength numbers increased so far?

Im getting stronger in the cleans. I can now do 3x2 or 225 where before I would crap out after 1 rep. I think I can max out at about 265 maybe more. I dropped the deads. My squats havent been where they need to be because im am weak after my p cleans. Yesterday I hit some decent squat numbers after the hangcleans. I could have hit 405 but didnt want to push it.

Your squat numbers are not bad, how much do you weigh? My squat numbers are at a all time low but I am running faster then I ever have at this time of the year.

im between 175 and 173. THis is my first year ever actually squatting more than once a week. My first meet aint till the end of jan so we will see how everything is paying off.

I would say 455-465 is your squat max based on your workout numbers and considering you are 175 thats good.

Well since you put it to perspective. I guess it is pretty good. :smiley:

4x30 bs
3x50f 10 easy
Felt decent today. My legs were still sore from the last workout but they loosedned up enough to run. I stayed at 3.9 for my 30s. Tried to do plyos after but it was a no go.

weight room
pcleans 3,2,2,2 185,225,225,225
squat 225,315 4x4 had to stop during the squats i was beat up. My cleans are getting better. I can almost play with 225. I want to get to 275 by the mid of outdoor. lol

Your workouts need some serious help. Get back on track!!!

Why you say that. I never include to warm up block starts. I have been getting in alot of volume speed wise.

Let’s see how you open up in Jan, what’s your plan leading into your first meet?

gonna start to go into the maintenance phase of my weights after next week. Also gonna start my speed endurance in the next couple weeks. So up until now I have been doin speed, spec end and speed again sun thru thursday. So Im gonna start to drop the weight volume which should help out on the track. I also gotta start getting weekly massages. I think that therapy is one of the key components I have been missing. I feel much more confident and stronger than I did all of last season.

Chris training seems to be going very well. Your powerclean looks like its coming along too. I’ve been struggling with mine ever since I’ve started using them. I’m stuck, everytime I go over 180lbs my form breaks down and it feels like its a ton of weight, so I stick to light weights and keep my form solid. Although I think my form has come a long way with the same amount of weight, and I used to pc 215 with the worst form imaginable. Any tips on progressing the pc?

What is you’re general plan for competition season with the speed and accel volumes?

Are you serious, he’s been feeling like SHIT the past 8 weeks. Think about it young fella.

I used to have a weak pclean myself until this year. I think the main thing for me was to get that deadlift strong. It helps with the initial pull off the floor. the faster and more powerful the pull the easier it will be to get under. I noticed the heavier the weight the better my form is. What kind of bar do you use. That can cause a problem also.

During the comp I am gonna adjust according to how I fell and how fast Im running. Once the comp phase starts Im gonna start to phase out squats in favor of cleans and snatches. I find the squats stay in my legs for days. But we will see. I may just keep the squats to once a week with a few heavy sets.

The usually feel like shit after a super hard taxin workout. THis is also my first year weight training like this plus the lack of therapy is the big killer. I just think once im able to start getting steady therapy i will be good to go

Chirs what do you attribute to you not feeling well?

The way I’ve been reading it is that you’re workouts are going well and are indeed inducing fatigue. This fatigue might be accumulating and come competition period, will be relieved in favor of good performances.

Or are you just generally not adapting well to the training as RB has mentioned and feel like shit on a continuous basis?

I did feel as though my pc was coming along nicely when I was using the deadlift too. I think this does make a difference. I use the standard bar that we use for squatting ect… What type of bar do you use?

The usually feel like shit after a super hard taxin workout. THis is also my first year weight training like this plus the lack of therapy is the big killer. I just think once im able to start getting steady therapy i will be good to go. I am adapting. I am just taxing my cns and muscular system like never before. I think once I start to unload the times will be fast.

The bar I have been able to use has been the olympic bar lately. I train at a highschool with a nice olympic type weight room. IT does make a difference i think. I can clean on the regular bar but it takes more effort.

Nice, I’ll have to give that a try.