Chris6878's journal.

I call my timing acuhand. I have noticed that other people claim to run 6.5’s at practice and get with me at my partner and run 6.9-7.1. lol So I take timing with a grain of salt. Just as long as i continue to improve from that time I am happy. The year I ran 10.3 my 30’s were not super amazing. My fastest 60 is 6.89 auto and that year I ran 10.4. My partner only ran 6.8 at practice last year and ran 10.48 auto. So just as long as you improve thats all that matters. The adrenaline of a meet well give you that extra burst.

LOL, hope it workout for you this year.

abs in between

weight room
incline-3,3,3,2,2 185,185,205,205,215
pull down

You must be taking it easy on the incline, my last set of 4 on the incline is 245ish…

My shoulder been killin me lately. Im scared to go heavy without a spot

If your shoulder is hurting why triples and doubles and why incline which is harder on the shoulder?

Didnt know that it would aggravate my shoulder until I was doing them. It stopped hurting as much during the last set.

speed end
2 split runs of 150,100 first set no time
second set 16.9 and 11.8 decent time nothing special. 90 sec rest between runs. shit hurt.

hang clean 3,3,3,3 185
deads 3x4 330,385,405

11/4 tempo
weight room
bp 4x3 225
pull down

2x10 2x20 2x30 bstarts.
2x2 60m 20maintain
felt stiff today. Had a good resistance day from all the wind
med ball-5 over head 5squat.
legs were beat up. body sore
pclean 3,3,2,2 185,205,225,225
squat 3x4 315,385,385.
good mor 3x8x185

I thought I was gonna die on the 385 squat. I had now elasticity or power in my legs today. I just struggle through this workout.

11/9 tempo
incline 3x3x3x2x2 185 185 205 205 225
pull down

spec end
2x150/100 split runs 2x1min high knees with weights
weight room
hang clean-3x3x2x2 185
too tired for anything else went home

weight room
bp 3,3,3,2,2 185 205 225 225 225
pull down
steam room

speed day
2x20,30,40 bs
3x40m 20main
med ball overhear x8 superman x8 pit jumps
weight room-
pclean-3x3x2x2 185 205 225 225
Had to leave early.

weight room
pull down arnod press row
heat room.

speed day
2x20,30,40 bs
3x40m 20 maintain
medball-overhead, squat, single hop x5
weight room
felt pretty good today-pclean 3,3,2,2 205,205,225,225
squat-3x4 315,335,375
stiff dead 3x6x225

When is your first meet?

i get something similar, I think it’s neural tension… anyway I warm-up for Bench with a press-up circuit, wide, med, narrow, 1 arm above head 1 arm below… all variations, Bruce Lee style.
Just a couple reps on each position and the tightness doesn’t develop. Also digging thumb in there for a compression works well.

I may have to give that a try. I have started rubbing heat on before I workout it helps alot.

spec end
2x150,100 split runs
Felt much faster than last week. Head was spinning after the workout.
2x60sec weighted high knees.

weight room
hang cleans -3,2,2,2,2. 185,205,205,205x.5. lol I crapped out after the 3rd set.
good morning- 8,6,4 135,185,225

tempo and weights
weights- bp 3,3,2,2,2- 205,225,225,245,245
pull down-8,7,7 155,165,165
120 pushups

Taking a needed recovery week. Just gonna lighten the work load a little.
Today I just did some lock starts working on form. No real set plan. I think i did about 6x20 3x30 1x40 bs.
Weight room
pclean-3,2,2 185,205,205
squat-4,4 315
good morning-8,8 135
legs have been feeling tight and sore for the last few weeks. I need to get some therapy bad. gonna try this week.

speed day
2x30 stand
2 sets of 20,30,40,50 bs
plyos x 5
super man, overhead throw, sand pit jumps, i also did the jumps on the highjump mat from the gpp vid

pclean-3,3,2,2,2 185,205,225,225,225
stiff dead-3x6x225

I bet your lower back is stiff as hell!!

lol Yea I was walking funny after the workout. The next day my hams were pretty sore.