Chris6878's journal.

weight room
pull down, row, shoulder press.

Speed day. I felt sore with a lot of little dings in my body at the start of practice then after a while I loosened up and felt great.

2x4x60-30m hard,30m maintain. At first my partner was giving me da business then by the 3rd rep I started rolling. The tides had turned.

Med ball- supermans 5 reps
overhead-5 reps
single hop 5

Didnt hit the weights I was too hungry and running on fumes.

tempo and weights. 8x200
pull d
shoulder press

Speed day
felt good during workout. Left it on the track so My weight workout was subpar

2x30m stand
4x 40m 20f 20 easy
4x50 30f 20 easy
4x60 40f 20 easy
Med ball throws-I was burnt out. 8x overhead 5xsquat
Started having hungar pains. while on da track. Had to get a bcaa and carb drink to hit the weights

pclean 4x5x155 was struggling
deads 3x5,5,3 275 315 355
squat 5,5,4,4 275,315,315…couldnt finish
stiff deads 3x10x135

How can you squat 385 for 6+reps but struggle with 155 on the pc??

I did the cleasns right after my track session. Didnt have time to rest for 30 mins and then weights. i was just still tired yesterday. I have cleaned about 225 this year so far. I am guessin my max is around 250 for cleans right now but I have to be fresh. Pluss I obly clean heavy when I am at the school gym with the rubber weights. So that I can drop them. At the “fitness center” The bars fuck up my wrist and I cant drop the weights.

Tell me about it, I don’t have bumper plates either. :slight_smile:

lol boy I get so happy when I can get in the school gym that we train at sometimes. They dont care about us dropping the weight but those damn family fitness centers. "please sir you are disturbing the others with your grunting and weight dropping, You are scarying the old ladies with all the weight you are throwing around in the gym. " lol

abs and stretch
weight room-bench-5,5,4,4 205,205,225,225
pull down
seat row 10,8,8,6

Spec end. Dam I hate these days
2x300 42 adn 44 15 min break
My partner went out like supa man today. 37 and 42.
He can have that shit.
We also did 2 30m a skips.

Weight room
Had a great workout.
pclean-5,5,4,4 155,175,205,225x3 wanted 4 couldnt do it. THis is for RB34! And I did em with the grabage bar in da fitness center lol.
Squat-4x4 315 365 385 385
push press 3x6x135
good morn 2x10x135

Why did you die so much on the 300’s, I was doing 3x300 with 5mins rest @ 42-45sec this summer as tempo work.

Cause I hate 300s Im sure I could have ran faster but It didnt happen. Next time My plan is to run the first 200 and hold on.

That’s my point, if you hate 300’s that much and can’t go faster then you should bump down to 250’s or do intensive tempo. What you are doing now isn’t special endurance but more intensive tempo, if the plan was to do special endurance I would have done 3-4 weeks of intensive tempo in GPP to prep for the special endurance

That is my plan. Im gonna run the 300’s like it is a 200 or 250. I will keep going to the tree just to push my partner but my times will be at the 250 and 200.

Decent track work out
4x30 stand
4x30 block
2x2x20m efe, fef
MEd ball super man x5
Overhead x5
sand pit jumps x3 jumpin out da pit it 3 jumps.

weight room. I felt like I had a lil bit of energy but not much.
pclean 5,5,4,2.5 155,175,195,230. last set I was killin it until the last rep. got the weight up but I couldnt get up under it.
Dead 2x5 315
I was done after the pcleans energy gone and hunger setting in.
oh after my last set of pcleans fuckin tony dee’s decides to come take my shine and rep out bent over rows with 230. Damn Ogre. lol

2x30 stand
6x10, 4x20 bstarts
4x60, 30m maintain
med ball
overhead 4
squat 4
singlr hop 4

weight room
p clean. 4x4 185,185, 225x1, 185,185
I wanted to do 225x4 for 2 sets but I didnt have it today. I did it once then died out. had to drop back to 185
dead,-4,4,3,3 315,315,365,365
squat4,3,3 315,315,365
stif dead-3x8 135,185,185

I was done after the cleans.

How do you like doing squats, deadlift, and str deadlifts in the same session?

Not bad. It hurts at first but I have gotten used to it. I thought I would be fried after doing it but I havent been

Tempo 12x100
bp- 4x4 185,205,225,235
Pulls, rows 10,8,8,6

2x250 31,35
highs knees with weights 2x45 sec
weight room
pclean-4x4 185,185,205,225
squats 4,3,3 315,385,405
good morning-3x8 135.155.175
push press-3x6 135

10/14 tempo
inclin-4x4 185,185,205,215
should press
pull down

6x10,4x20 bs
3x60m curves. The plan was to run 60 30fast 30 easy on the straight but the track was full of people.
med ball
sup man, overhead x8 and sand pit jumps

weight room
pclean 4x4 185,185,205,225 only 2 reps
dead-4,4,3 315,315,365
squat 4,3,3 315 365 365

4x10 4x20 4x30 bstarts
2x2x60 30maintain
med ball throws

pclean-4,4,3,3 185 185 205 225
squat 4,3,3 315,365,385
deads-4,4,3 315,315,315
stiff dead 3x6x225