Chris6878's journal.

Damn shit load of volume. 375 for 4x4 isn’t bad, you must be squatting mid to high 400’s? I see you are doing a ton of deadlifts.

Im not gonna do all those jumps in one session. I was just giving him some different ideas. I will probably us 5- 6 different jumps. all depends on what I have available.

I see, still don’t see the point in doing that many jumps.

I will adjust the jumps depending on how I feel.
Yea I cant wait to get into the real max strength to see were my squats are. Deadlifts are my favorite excercises. I will probabaly drop them at the beginning of outdoor season.

Lil sore from all the leg work from day before
bench 5,5,4,4 185,185,225,225
pull down, shoulder press, rows.

It feels good to split the weights up. less time in da weight room

I did some light runs today. Just to loosen up for the next sprint day
2x100 runs with med ball throws
1x300 nice and easy

Had a good workout
4x20 push up
4x20 Standing
2x4x20 easy fast easy, fast easy fast
1x50 fast 20 maintain 30
med ball
5x superman, 5x overhead, 3 sets of sandpit jumps. I jumped out the pit in 3 jumps. usually takes me a month before I can do that.

pclean 4x5 135,185,185,205
squat 5,5,4,4 275,315,365,385
good mornings
push press 3 sets

Just hit the weights and the hot tub. I did some contrasting between the hot tub and the pool

Incline 5,5,4,4 185,185,205,205
pull down-10,10,8,8
seat row

9/25 Started feelin cold symptoms the day before, but I decided to try to get my workout in.
2x4x60m first set 7.1,6.97,6.91,6.93. Felt bad on each rep. took 6 minutes in-between and couldn’t recover.
second set got worse-7.3,7.2,7.4,7.6 struggled through all of them. Cold was killin my recovery. I decided to forgo the rest of the workout.
After the workout I discovered that we had done the workout wrong. we did all out 60’s instead of 30m hard 30m maintain. Last time I listen to my partner about a workout.

what was the intended work out 4x4x60?

It was 2x4x60 but we were supposed to to hard 30m and maintain 30m. We just went all out on each.

Are you in SPP already?

naw its the last week of the 7 week gpp.

4xpush up 20m
4x standing 30m
4x20m efe
4x20 fef
Felt good
weight room
Pclean 5,5,4,4 135,135,185,185
squat-5,5,4,4 295,315,365,365
on the last set of 365 i did like 8 reps. I got a little hype. I could have done about 12-15 but I didnt want to push it.
good mornings-3x10,135

weight room
pull down, row, shoulder press.

Speed day. I felt sore with a lot of little dings in my body at the start of practice then after a while I loosened up and felt great.

2x4x60-30m hard,30m maintain. At first my partner was giving me da business then by the 3rd rep I started rolling. The tides had turned.

Med ball- supermans 5 reps
overhead-5 reps
single hop 5

Didnt hit the weights I was too hungry and running on fumes.

tempo and weights. 8x200
pull d
shoulder press

Speed day
felt good during workout. Left it on the track so My weight workout was subpar

2x30m stand
4x 40m 20f 20 easy
4x50 30f 20 easy
4x60 40f 20 easy
Med ball throws-I was burnt out. 8x overhead 5xsquat
Started having hungar pains. while on da track. Had to get a bcaa and carb drink to hit the weights

pclean 4x5x155 was struggling
deads 3x5,5,3 275 315 355
squat 5,5,4,4 275,315,315…couldnt finish
stiff deads 3x10x135

How can you squat 385 for 6+reps but struggle with 155 on the pc??

I did the cleasns right after my track session. Didnt have time to rest for 30 mins and then weights. i was just still tired yesterday. I have cleaned about 225 this year so far. I am guessin my max is around 250 for cleans right now but I have to be fresh. Pluss I obly clean heavy when I am at the school gym with the rubber weights. So that I can drop them. At the “fitness center” The bars fuck up my wrist and I cant drop the weights.

Tell me about it, I don’t have bumper plates either. :slight_smile: