Charlie Francis Speed Seminars in Australia

if your a kiwi its as cheap as chups. :smiley:

Hi All just an update to remind everyone that the early bird fee is closing in 10 days from now.

response has been very strong so far with 4 months remaining until the seminars are held.

I’m waiting for Forum Review Final, Charlie, also ordered in February.

Pity they can’t be tied in with the Poliquin ones coming up, they are good value :rolleyes:

[Special payment plans :

Option 1 :

Pay $1,032.00 a month for 4 months starting July 1st 2006 and get all three seminars.

Option 2 :

Pay a $900.00 month for 4 months starting July 1st and attend either the Leg Internship/Level 2 or The Four Pillars seminars.](

And you probably have to pay for the vasaline too …

what an odd comment, why would there be vaseline there? :confused:

Please send order details and number to and I’ll follow up with Rupert about it.

That’s a comment made by people in areas where there aren’t so many sheep about.

i never thought i would encounter the idea of beastiality on this site. often in my junk email but never on this site.


If this hasn’t arrived yet, I’ll run a trace on it. I can either credit you or reship the print book. On that note, we have a few copies left that will be signed editions. This book is GREAT and we hope you get a copy. We only ran 1 print edition of this book and thats it.

One thing that concerns me, is that customers post order issues outside of the customer support thread…guess what? I never see these posts. If you have order issues, simply email for a fast reply.

With our new improvements, we’re now delivering much faster. Order and see what we mean.


Hardee hardee ha, very funny Mr Francis :cool: :smiley:

I can see that this seminar is going to require me to have a cunning plan so people think I’m an Ocker… something along the lines of

  1. Speaking funny

  2. Saying my name is Brad :confused: it seems like every 2nd Aussie is called Brad. It must be the official national name.

  3. Saying things like
    Cobber I was out shooting 'Roos the other day mate and mate I saw this giant Wombat and mate it was almost as big as that Sheila that lives next door mate so I shot it with me 22 and mate well mate strewth it was big, fair dinkum mate and mate I nearly took it home to chuck on the Baribie but mate I thought na, I’ve got those shrimps I’ll throw on instead :stuck_out_tongue:

Aus and NZ have a lot of sheep. Surely you’re not implying anything else!!

Hey Rupert,
Thanks for the reply.
Please don’t credit me though. I really want the book. It’s similar to getting ready to receive Part 2 of The Bible!!

Thanks a lot

Give my something new and ill try :wink:

please note the sydney seminar now has only 25 places left available for the weekend of Jan 6-7…

the complete seminar format/content will be listed here shortly.

go to for further details on all 3 seminars.

29 days to go :smiley: until the first seminar kicks off in sydney and numbers are coming along great so far for all 3 seminars…

limited numbers are left for all 3 venues for those interested.

I was actually wondering about this earlier. Will full details be sent out soon to those already registered?

Is CF available for any 1 on 1 coaching and if so do we contact him directly for rates?

hey John

all details will be out to you this week.

Venue for CF seminar: Sydney (on New Year’s Eve) 06/07

I am SOOOOOOOOOO jealous! Enjoy the company of Charlie. Make sure that you put FULL DETAILS on the Forum!