Can we stop the LSU talk?

thats why ur funny bc osu is not the number one team, mich, ill fu, cali,lsu would beat osu.

How is an unranked school beating a number 5 school not an upset?

do you watch football, if you do you would know that wisconsin is not a number 5 team. have you been following college recruiting the last past yr, ill have some athletes on there team (qb,rb,wr etc) and the only reason why they are unrank is bc of presason ranking which is nonsense and the reason why we have the problems we do in college football.

preseason ranking nonsense can be the key to amassing gambling fortunes:)

but on a serious tip, do you agree with preseason rankings.

Yea preaseason rankings seem to be real inaccurate some years. Maybe they shouldn’t publish rankings until like week 3.

i agree, i would at least wait a month into the season, then you can tell what each has.

No I don’t watch football at all, never seen the game :cool: And whether or not you agree with the ranking system doesn’t matter, even if the other team (Illinois) truly is a better football team. A #5 ranked team getting beat by an unranked school is big. But I do agree the the current system is flawed, this is why we really need a playoff system in D1-A, like 1-AA has IMO.

Thats what I thought by your comments above.

Speaking of the Top 25 rankings, Illinois has moved up from non ranked to #18. :cool:

Cal #2:smiley:

BYE!! BYE!! LSU!! I love it!!

welcome to american college football, lsu should not drop out of top 5.

my top 5:

1: south flordia
2: oklahoma
3: oregon
4: osu
5: lsu

osu havent played anyone!!!

Ohio State will be ranked number one i think. You can make arguements for other schools and i can understand that. However, i just think the voters will slide osu to number one because the top two lost.

My Top 5:
1-Ohio State
2-South Florida

you may be right, but i was giving my top five, osu havent played anyone besides UW, doesnt matter bc UM will beat them.

when will they post the to 25 today?

the BCS is coming out today and south florida will be number 1.

1: osu
2: south fl

I think the computer polls got it a lot closer to correct than the humans.

OSU, Oklahoma, BC, and USC all further down.

Though I dont know how Michigan is in the shit hole everywhere, maybe its my fan bias, but I think they could wipe up over half the top 25 right now.