Can we stop the LSU talk?

Well, so much for my top five. OU loses at colorado and florida is getting beat by auburn at the swamp!! Washington is getting everything you need to upset an elite team, mistakes/penalties by usc and turnovers. I do feel however that sc if they just stop shooting themselves in the foot, will pull away, but with the way games have went this weekend, who knows anymore. I will say this though, the pac 10 with usc and cal is better then the sec with lsu and florida imo. Also, i hope like hell i get an Ohio State vs. USC national title game, the buckeyes should move into the top 5 after this weekend if they hang on to beat minny.

updated top 5:

cali: yes they are better then usc.

Cal better then usc? It’s close, but not yet.

My Updated top 5
1)Ohio State-Best D in the country and that offense is really starting to find itself…only lose 2 seniors this year and have an absolute loaded recruiting class coming in next year!(may land terrel pryor)
2)USC-All they do is win and that’s all that matters!!
3)Cal-They have desean jackson…nuff said!
4)LSU-You gotta play better comp then middle tenn & tulane…plus who trusts les miles in a big game??
5)Wisconsin-who else you gonna put there after today?

Also usc had 16penalties for 161yds, 4turnovers including a pick 6 and they still won…usc just flat out finds ways to win and that’s all that matters, 49wins in there last 52games! They got a nasty D! Supposedly sedrick ellis bench presses 510lbs…i dunno tho the way college programs inflate there strength numbers. Also if it seems like i am anti lsu, i really am not, i just don’t feel there as good as advertised. They beat middle tenn at home(cupcake)tulane(cupcake)Va tech(overrated and struggled to beat UNC and East Carolina at home, two teams that were destroyed by WVU and S.Florida)South Carolina(No qb, smelley/mitchell scare no one and they lost jasper brinkley early in the lsu game)plus florida losing takes some luster off a lsu win next week imo…plus i don’t trust les miles in big games. I really truly feel that ohio state is the best all around team in the country, they have the best d and that offense is just getting better and better!

usc has many weaknesses.

many? I would not go that far. If you wanna nit pick, you can find a weakness in any team, including lsu.

i think lsu is a big tough team most west coast teams are to soft for my liking. it seems to me that usc plays when they want, they should have learned not to do that when they played vs texas in the rose bowl.

i agree lsu is a big and tough team, you’ll get no arguement from me there. I also do think cal and oregon may be a little soft, but i certainly would not call usc soft. This may be the most physical team carrol has ever had. you don’t win as many games as usc has if your soft, there’s just no way. i would also agree with you though about usc playing when they want to, i think alot of the time, usc feels that teams will back down and be intimidated because there usc. such is the reason why they lost to ucla and oregon st last year imo. they will lose at oregon and cal both this year, if they play as poorly as they did tonight though, there’s no doubt about that. hopefully this serves as a wake up call.

well shall see, the reason why they won soo many games bc they didnt have a normal college player “reggie bush”.

Cal over SC this year, watch. Go Bears!

thats nothing new, cali is one of those teams in the pac10 that has the offensive athletes/system to beat usc.

It’s funny reading other message boards, how lsu is being praised as the number one team for beating tulane. Tulane had 6sacks against lsu! I still want to see how lsu responds to adversity on the road. They have yet to play a meaningful road game anywhere. Everyone is so quick to annoint lsu, because they beat va tech at home. The only way usc loses this year, is if usc beats themselves, like they almost did last night. Cal’s defense is what will do them in against usc i think.

6 sacks bc there qb has a ankle injury and cant move.

guess the voters agree with me:

for now, till it’s the buckeyes vs. the trojans in the superdome

bye bye usc.


Stanford 24, (2)USC 23

Some other notable upsets…

Illinois 31, (5)Wisonsin 26

Tennessee 35, (12)Georgia 14

Kansas 30, (24) Kansas State 24

Let’s see how the polls shake up next week. Also LSU is down 24-21 v. Florida with 10:13 left in the 4th quarter.

like i said too many weaknesses, those other games were not upsets playa, ill has better athletes then wisconsin…

Well, i am here to eat humble pie about usc. I have no more arguements for usc right now. Unbelieveable losing at home to standford. Mistake after mistake, finally caught up to them. Also imo john david booty needs benched. He has played like shit this year after all the hype about him in the preseason. Mark Sanchez should get his chance, booty is gone after this year, let sanchez play. I really have no clue what is wrong with usc right now, whether it’s coaching or players? Also, while usc made me look like a complete idot, the ohio state buckeyes have made me look pretty smart…so far. I had ohio state as my number one team after last weekend and obviously nothing has changed my mind about that. There defense is absolutely sick. Forget lsu, osu has the best defense.

dude u r soo funny, now its osu. lsu is the best team and play in the toughest conference. osu had a more talented team last yr and FU blew them out, im sure cali would beat osu, ill would give them a very good game, and mich will beat osu at the big house this year.

How am i funny? I copied and pasted my top 5 from last week, i put ohio state at number one…what’s so hard to figure out about that. After usc’s performance against wasington, i put osu at number one.

“My Updated top 5
1)Ohio State-Best D in the country and that offense is really starting to find itself…only lose 2 seniors this year and have an absolute loaded recruiting class coming in next year!(may land terrel pryor)
2)USC-All they do is win and that’s all that matters!!
3)Cal-They have desean jackson…nuff said!
4)LSU-You gotta play better comp then middle tenn & tulane…plus who trusts les miles in a big game??
5)Wisconsin-who else you gonna put there after today?”