CAL got screwed!

CAL isn’t going to the rose bowl against Michigan, instead they play in the Holiday Bowl now against Texas Tech on Dec. 30th… … The Rose Bowl is always Pac-10 vs. Big-10, but now it will be Texas vs. Michigan… whatever… that’s just shows how bad the BCS system can be sometimes…

Either way someone will be screwed. Until there’s a playoff of some kind, there will always be some new problem. Also I think Auburn got screwed even worse. There’s no comparison between the Pac 10 and the two real conferences.

The BCS worked. I don’t see why people endlessly repeat that Auburn got screwed. They screwed themselves by scheduling hideously weak non-conference opponents. If the BCS were not in place, in favor of good ol’ human polls, Auburn would’ve been slapped in the face with this fact by the voters. 3 or more undefeated teams would still result in this outcome. One team would bitch and moan about how they should have a shot in the championship, but there has to be a way to distinguish between them. Nothing short of a playoff system is desirable for some, while others hate the idea.

One thing I hate about the BCS are the conference champ berths. The BCS game berths should be given straight down the rankings, 1-8 according to the Bowl order for the year. Just look at Pittsburgh sneaking in through the backdoor this year. Just ugly.

The top 4 BCS rated teams are guaranteed a slot in a BCS game, so after the conference champs are given their berths, teams 1-4 get berths. It just so happens that Texas moved ahead of Cal in the last standings. This is widely because of Cal’s lackluster play against Southern Miss saturday. If they would’ve blown So. Miss out, this wouldn’t be an issue, and Texas fans would bitch. The Rose Bowl officials did what they were obligated to do, and for that, I applaud them. This also happened in 2002 with OU in the Rose Bowl.

Actually Auburn beat more rank teams than both USC and OU this year.

Yes, but non-conference wise Auburn’s schedule was a joke. Early on they could’ve had a chance to pass Oklahoma by playing better teams early on and there would be no argument right now but once they got to the point where their schedules were very similar in competition they had no chance. Oh, and Tennessee losing to Notre Dame and the SEC not looking quite as strong outside of conference this year didn’t help. There’s always going to be an argument.

Not to mention that Texas beat more better teams than Cal did. It is quite obvious when you compare Pac 10 and Big 12 ‘South’. Texas seemed to have slept through the games against medicore teams but kicked asses against good teams.

USC should repeat it next year. I can’t say the same thing for OU because they are losing a lot of starters. Maybe Texas will have a better chance of beating OU next year ! :smiley: Heck even Texas A&M could win south division if things fall in their way!

Why should a team in a tough conference have to schedule tough OOC games as well? They already play themselves out with conference & conf champs games. Look at Georgia.

Cal is the only team to beat USC in two years and it wasnt a fluke. They are only getting better.

They don’t have to schedule a tough out of conference schedule, but if you want the national title in the BCS system, you may have to.

very true speed kills!!!

Let me start off by saying I don’t give a crap about the Rose Bowl Pac10-Big 10 tradition. The only thing enjoyable about that was watching Woody and Bo and just about everyone who came after them getting their tails handed to them on New Years Day. Well, one other thing was enjoyable - the USC Sweater Girls!!!

OK you Hook em Horns guys. Let’s add some fuel to the fire. :slight_smile:

Texas hammers 5-6 Arkansas 22-20
Scores a ton of points while losing at home to Oklahoma 12-0
Again at home crushes powerhouse Missouri 28-20
Then comes 27-23 beating of that juggernaut 4-7 Kansas
And of course a dominating win over A&M 26-13

Cal barely beats Oregon St. 49-7 who was crushed by LSU 22-21
Cal is destroyed by No. 1 USC 23-17
One close game against Oregon. That’s it.
And don’t start with Cal at So. Miss. They traveled 2500 miles from home to the deep south at the end of the season. They had a TD called back on a phantom penalty and kneed it down instead of trying to run up the score at the end of the game as opposed to Oklahoma who ran a fake FG near the end of the first half against weak Colorado when they were up 28-0.

Now to those wonderful polls.

In the final coaches poll, even though Texas did not play, two coaches moved Texas up to No. 3. (ahead of Auburn I assume) and one coach had the Longhorns No. 2. (ahead of USC and Auburn I guess unless that coach picked Texas ahead of Oklahoma because he was comatose through the 12-0 loss to Oklahoma in which case that could only be your wonderful coach Mack Brown who by the way must be named after that famous movie cowboy from the 30’s-40’s named Johnny Mack Brown from whom Coach Mack Brown must have taken acting lessons when he said he really felt for the Cal coaches and players for losing out on the Rose Bowl and BCS - kiss my ass or preferably Cal’s ass)

And, four coaches voted Cal at 7; two coaches voted Cal at 8. The week before none of them had Cal below No. 6.

And the coaches don’t have to reveal how they voted.

And I won’t bother with the AP poll where Texas writers moved Texas up and Cal down.

And now Texas gets Michigan who is not a powerhouse this year. So, they better win big. And if Oklahoma hammers USC and Texas Tech beats Cal you Horns can smile.

And on the bright side for Texas they won’t have to go to the Holiday Bowl where they lost to Washington State last year and barely beat an average Washington team in 2001 and lost to Oregon in 2000. Oh yeah, I forgot those games must have been flukes because everybody who cheers for the Big12 knows that the PAC10 can’t play football.

Football Coach

I know that they are not in the hunt for the National Championship but a team that I have enjoyed watching over the past couple of years is Boise State. Good football teams! You gotta love their BLUE turf! Wow!

No doubt Texas has it’s coaching problems which are solved piecemeal every year (go to the source), but you can skew the argument for either side. The Pac 10 can play, both teams deserve a real bowl game, but either way one team is undeservedly screwed no matter how you spin it.

Cal better win big against Tech since the Pac 10 is so great.


I was looking for your reply. You’re too nice. I thought you would be boosting the SEC. And you’re right. Cal better beat Tech.

Where are those Big 12 and Horns fans? :slight_smile: ltruett? Speedkills?

Football Coach

P.S. I’ve never been a Cal fan but I do respect Tedford particularly now that he’s signed an extension to his contract rather than go to Univ. of Washington or the NFL.

Longhorn Fan? Me?!!

Nah, I just keep informed on their program. I didn’t mean to have any bias in my remarks on Cal not making the BCS or Auburn not playing in the title game. I just think that the way the system is run, Mack finally stood up for his team and was rewarded by some of the coaches. Cal should play in the Rose Bowl, and it’s a shame that Michigan is so weak this year because if Texas wins that’s just another reason for the shorthorns to brag. In the end, the entire system is so money and politically driven there’s not a doubt in my mind that there will be some kind’ve change, but that doesn’t mean teams won’t get screwed in the future.

Well, the coaches can vote however they like- hardly against the rules. Since this is a business, the informal and non-existent rules of gentlemanly sportsmanship were tossed a few mile markers back.

Also, if they didn’t like the performance Cal made at So. Miss, they had the opportunity to change their votes and they did. It’s simple to me.

They’ll smile because they’re in the BCS.

How about some predictions football coach? I’ll go first:
Texas 24, Michigan 14
Cal 38, Tech 31


I see you’re from Norman. I happen to like your team and like your coach. The idea Stoops has his coaches spending time with their families and he drives his kids to school is fantastic. For that reason alone (I hope that story is true and you being in Norman can verify it) I hope OU does well. I also know Jason White took a pounding from the media last year after his performance against Kansas St. and LSU while quite clearly playing hurt. So, I also hope he plays well.

The coaches dropped Cal because of the So. Miss game? It’s that simple? Come on Torpita. You said it. It’s big business. Cal was being dropped and Texas elevated in the 2 weeks prior to So. Miss game.

Coaches have the right to vote however they want. Yes, they do. And I have no problem with every coach in the country putting Texas 4th if they want to. However, to put Texas No. 3 and particularly No. 2 and to drop Cal to 7 and 8 is quite clearly nothing more than a way to put Texas in the BCS and collect millions for the Big12 and their schools. Remember coaches, what goes around comes around.

Sportsmanship somewhat gone. That’s why it was good to see Tedford not try to run up the score at the end of So. Miss game. A very classy move.

Football Coach

If they lose again they won’t smile. It looked like Mack nearly had a heart attack in the Holiday Bowl last year. If he loses this year Texas fans might induce the heart attack.