CAL got screwed!

I have seen many Michigan games over the years and along with 112,000 other fans (in a stadium that should seat about 80,000 but they make the seats about 8" wide and if you get one fat guy in your row which isn’t hard in Michigan you end up getting to know the guy next to you more than you want) I have no idea what that coaching staff will do.

The question will be if Hart the freshman can run the ball against the Texas defense. Will the Michigan coaches get conservative, as they often do, and not let the freshman Henne throw? Will Braylon not drop any? Will they use Avant and Breaston? I was at the Michigan State game and they played conservative until about 8 minutes to go and were losing 27-13 approx. and had to throw. I have never heard the Big House that loud and Henne was as cool as they come. Edwards and Avant made great catches and they won in overtime. (although I don’t think Michigan would have won if State hadn’t lost their starting QB near the end of the 1st half even though the backup played well)

Can Michigan stop the Texas run game?

I like your score but my heart is with Michigan. I have to go with them 27-24. Plus, I hate Texas.

Tech is fun to watch. But, I think Cal has too much defense and they have a balanced offense. 38-14 Cal.

Football Coach,

Texas loves their vicious cycle, they just don’t want to admit it. :slight_smile: Brown loses big games, they reserve the same rooms year in and year out in San Diego and they go home heartbroken.

It is big business. $14 million for attending a BCS bowl- cutthroat stakes indeed. If I were a commisoner of a conference, i’d lobby to get one of my teams in for sure. We won’t know if this was the case for the Big 12, since no one has the cajones to say it.

It was a classy move on Tedford’s part to kneel. It wasn’t classy to buck the coaches by Mr. Rodgers. It’s emotions talking.

Tedford didn’t want to have to work the system to get his team respect (e.g. scoring late against USM). This will bite him in the ass if he has a bad season next year, due to the promises he made after signing his extension. The truth is still cold, they’re not in.

Mack Brown wasn’t classy in doing his lobbying. Of course, he does know that the coaches around him don’t watch all of the season games of their peers…the other coaches have a team to run as well. So he capitalized on this fact and lobbied when it mattered the most. He did it and UT is in.

It’s like the story about the defender that recovered a fumble under the dogpile. The offensive lineman behind him grabs ahold of the defender’s balls and says “Do you want to keep these? Give me the football.” The defender contemplates for a second, then gives up the ball knowing that keeping the ball isn’t worth giving up his other balls. He sucked up his pride and did it. Reality is that Cal isn’t in because of many things, including Tedford’s choice to not suck up his pride and win convincingly (according to superficially annoying score bias) at USM.

Looks like it didn’t really matter anyway. Who cares? Whether Cal or Texas play in the Rose Bowl is meaningless. It’s just a bowl game, not a championship. Poor Auburn.

Cal Didnt Get Screwed… How Many Bcs Teams Did Cal Beat Mmm Let Me Think… Oh 0 0 0 If Any One Got Screwed It Was Auburn…

if anything JJ Arrington got screwed out of the Hiesman chase…Oklahoma blows…Jason White is simply a SYSTEM QB…you could put a MAC or a Sun Belt QB in oklahoma’s system with some talent and they will put of 20 TD’s 5 int’s a yr like all the other Oklahoma QB’s…

[QUOTE=torpitamike]Texas loves their vicious cycle, they just don’t want to admit it. :slight_smile: Brown loses big games, they reserve the same rooms year in and year out in San Diego and they go home heartbroken.QUOTE]

Torpita - now you are sounding like an OU fan. What do you think of Fabio’s post :slight_smile: I think he’s right. Can you imagine Roethlisberger, Leftwich, Pennington or some of the MAC QB’s this year playing at OU?

Just because there’s a substitution from one adept QB to the next doesn’t mean anything. They still would have to overcome the running game and wouldn’t do much better, if at all.

Saying that Jason White is just the product of OU’s system is a joke. So he made all of those reads just because he’s got a better offensive system? Plug and play isn’t a responsible answer to explaining why a QB did well, it’s just a lazy one.

Any QB that has a good rating with a high TD to INT ratio and high completion percentage deserves the accolades he receives. By saying that it’s just from a system is ludicrous, he still had to make the throws. IF his system is 100% spread, then I have to say that it is a bit fishy, considering that my sister would be open in a system like this. Dink and dunk is one thing, but a balanced offensive attack like the one Oklahoma displayed in their games this year doesn’t resemble this style.

By claiming that his stats are a result of Oklahoma’s offensive philosophy, you completely ignore his skills as a QB. I must ask, how accurate are you with a football, my friend? I thought not. Damn right, I’m not either, but he certainly is, because he’s got his team up there.

Another thing you ignore by stating this is the offensive tendencies of the OU system. If you had a RB like Peterson with those MAC QB’s you’d like to see substituted in for White, you really think they’d get more chances to throw the ball? Thought not, homeboy. After a while, having a 5:1 TD/INT ratio or above is just splitting hairs, especially when you’re 11-0. If you’d have more than that, odds are, you’d be labeled as running the score up or a cyborg.

Fabio, don’t fling poo. Not nice. Chill. Train. I’m out.


[QUOTE=Fabio] if anything JJ Arrington got screwed out of the Hiesman chase… QUOTE]

I wouldn’t give it to a guy that scored 6 out of his 14 TD’s against the likes of Air Force and New Mexico St. He should be up there instead of Bush though. Being versatile doesn’t make the best player in the nation for the season. I think it’s a matter of lack of exposure to a national audience that hurt Cal’s candidates.

White has talent don’t get me wrong, its obvious he has talent if he is playing for Oklahoma. But when you throw the ball 30+ times a game then its insane NOT to have over 250+ yds passing a game! Plus it doesn’t hurt to help bolster the stats when he is playing a REALLY down Big 12 this year. other than Oklahoma and Texas the Big 12 was horrbile this year. put Oklahoma in the SEC or ACC this year and they would of had 1-2 losses this year.

Oklahoma has had pretty good runners in their backfield but none that were as good as Peterson. With Peterson back there White only threw the ball 25 times instead of 35 times, but with the teams being as crappy as they are in the Big 12, it didn’t really matter!

I didn’t say Arrington should of won it, I said he should of been at least one of the finalists. Jason White doesn’t deserve it, you give a coach a couple of weeks to study him like LSU did last year and you will see how good he truly is-not that good.

speaking of that, I still feel Jim Tressel is the best planning coach in colelge football when it comes to the bowl games, you give him a few weeks to study the team he plays in a bowl, and yea, thats not a good thing for opponents (i.e. Miami and KSU)

It’s true, Arrington should be one of the top 5 in the running. It’s a shame, yes.

Everyone has their weaknesses. Let’s put it this way, if a D-1 coach, which is probably worth his salt for being there, is given weeks to prepare to stop a player, it’s probably not his fault if his team doesn’t do well against them. It’s usually execution from the players. So I don’t see how your point couldn’t be made for anyone else.

Tressel is good, no question.

Fabio, the Big 12 North is what you’re talking about. The North was downright awful, especially considering 7-4 was the record of Colorado in the Big 12 Championship. It did drag down the quality in the conference. Of course, when parity is the tune, it’s never good for outside favor. The South was much improved from last year. There were good teams in Oklahoma State, Texas A&M, OU, Texas, and Texas Tech this year. It’s the north that stunk up the joint.

I personally don’t know how OU would do in another conference. That’s why bowl games are there (besides the extraordinary amount of money to be had), to see a good game from teams that don’t meet often.

You two should have a beer somewhere. I’ll referee.

Torpita - that’s the way to defend your QB. I like it.

I like Jason White. Is he in the class of Roethlisberger, Leftwich and Pennington? I suppose not. But, it doesn’t really matter. He was injured in the 1st half of the Big12 championship last year against Kansas St. and he definitely was still injured (throwing hand or shoulder can’t remember which) when he played LSU in the Sugar Bowl. I think he was also a victim of the inability of OU coaches to handle Saban’s defense. That very much looked like college coaches vs. an NFL coach that day. And I have tremendous respect for Jason’s courage coming back from knee surgeries. I hope he has a great Orange Bowl even though I am a USC fan.

Fabio - Would OU lose a 1 or 2 in the SEC? Pretty tough conference to go undefeated in. Nasty places to play on the road. Makes Auburn’s year all the more impressive. ACC? I could see OU going undefeated this year in the ACC. I don’t think there is a dominant power strong on both sides of the ball.

Gameday coaches. I like coaches who don’t have the top recruiting classes and coach in states that don’t have big populations with top high school football but are always in the mix for Top 20 year in year out. Kirk Ferentz in Iowa, Barry Alvarez in Wisconsin and Joe Tiller at Purdue from the Big 10 pop into mind.

As for the Heisman? Whoopty f**k!

Football Coach

P.S. Hey Torpita. I’m 52 but I still throw a pretty ball. I can only throw it about 20 times and then I need an ice bucket. But, it looks good for awhile.

All valid points, but in the end and I will be honest to you, I hate Oklahoma with a passion, and I am a bucks fan :smiley: haha

but to put it simple…I would LOVE to see a playoffs format, 8 teams, pick them top 8 or whatever…It works in the other divisions so why not 1-A?

the Big 12 north wasn’t bad…but still, those opponents other than Texas couldn’t even hold a candle to the SEC teams Auburn had to face. Georgia ON THE ROAD?! LSU ON THE ROAD?! and Alabama ON THE ROAD! yea those three schools have the WORST stadiums ot play in for a visiting team, I’d like to see Oklahoma State fans be so loud they actually effected the earthquake scale!

Football coach, the ACC was a lil down this year, but any given year those teams in there are scary and with UNC and Wake turning around their game, makes it all the better IMO.

Also I was hoping the Big 10 could of been tough this year…if Purdue didn’t fold and OSU didn’t look past certain teams…yea it would of been nice!

not to talk up my team even more (haha!) but OSU does a good job cinsidering that 85% of their recruits come from Ohio…but then again, Ohio is known for their high school ball…:slight_smile:

oh oh Cal - oops



hey Fab - you and the Bucks going to have any players left for next year?

Mgoblue! Bad, primitive, ineffective conditioning program notwithstanding.

Are they still using the machines? I remember it vaguely from 10 years ago! They would be scary if they got a strength coach that knows what he’s doing!

heh, I’m not as confident about Texas though. How crazy is it to give Mack a freaking RAISE and a 10 year extension before even playing this game. They were one penalty away (Kansas) from the cotton bowl.

S&C needs to get over themselves. Cal lost because they have a Pac 10 defense, or lack of one.

Mack did a heck of job at UT so…

I cant believe Cal lost… :frowning:

Unfortunately, yes they still use that hammer crap among other bad ideas and methods.