I’ver been on the forum for a relatively short time and have been trying to digest lots of information. Have purchased CFTS; GPP and vancouver 04 just a couple of days ago so i’m in the process of developing my training plan.
A bit of background info;
38yrs old and have been training/competing since the age of 12 with a 100m pb of 10.8 (hand time) at the age of 20. Had a few lean yrs after that stuggling to break 12 sec but have had a bit of a renaissance since turning 30. 2008 best performances 60m indoor - 7.39 (FAT); 100 - 11.5; 200 - 23.42 (FAT); 400 - 54.1 goals for 2009 season are 11.3 and sub 23 for the 200. I do the 400 when I have to but wouldn’t consider it my event. I will be following a L-S plan because we don’t have any indoor training facilities and the weather gets pretty horrid in the Uk so not really condusive to short sprints. I will be competing indoors to mainly keep in touch with some speed during the winter months so the races will fit around the training although I would like to achieve a little peak for the British Masters Indoors early March 09. Planning to do a 10wk GPP phase followed by L-S SPP of 12weeks (inc last 3wks Pre-Comp as per vancouver graph).
Training is at the track Tue, Thur & Sunday with weights Mon, Fri at the fitness club I work at with wednesday being an option if i’m not too tired.
Been keeping a low profile recently as i’ve been out of action for the last 4wks with a calf strain but i’m back on track now. Been able to keep weights going and have been cycling to work, and last couple of weeks been able to do steady jog.
Thur 4th dec:
Tempo - 100+100+100/100+200+200+100++200+300+200/100+200+200+100/100+100+100
Vol: 2500m
Speed aprox 17-18sec for the 100’s; 36-38sec for the 2’s and 68 for the 300
Fri 5th dec:
Weights -
[li]BB Deadlift 3x3x140kg with 6 depth jumps after each set (approx 18inches). 5min rec between sets.
[/li][li]DB chest press 10, 8,6 @ 26kg 2min rec
[/li][li]Cable hip abduction 2x12 reps each leg
[/li][li]Lat Pull Down 2x10@60kg + 1x6@60kg 90sec rec. (need to increase weight & rec)
[/li][li]Upright rowing 3x8x24kg
Sun 7th dec:
600m 12min 600m
1’57"; 2) 1’55
High knees (A’s) 40m + 50m
fairly plsd with the runs considering i’ve missed 4wks training and the track was a little icy to begin with so was a bit cautious with only having trainers on.
Did try to do that last year but combination of factors meant it didn’t work very well.
At our track we have very small room and have managed to get together a couple of olympic bars and some discs but getting 15-20 athletes through weights after track seemed neigh on impossible to get anything done. Also in terms of keeping her indoors happy it wouldn’t be sensible to dedicate any more time to training than I am now. Also, As I work in a health club it just makes sense to do the weights when I can fit it into my schedule. The club is 15miles from the track so doing them after track doesn’t work well.
Excuses, excuses I know!!!
If I were 20yrs younger I would find a way to make it happen but Life/family largely dictates what i can do now.
Bad week this week!
Just getting over the calf strain and came down with a cold and the most horrid cough i’ve ever had so didn’t train last week. Decided to train sunday moring as i was getting a little stir crazy.
9am: Only had limited times as had xmas meal with family thus:
Forgot to take my stop watch so had to set my mobile to countdown timer. that aside the runs felt horrible. First 100 felt strong then i realised how much fitness i’ve lost. the last 100 felt like i was having my lungs tore from my chest.
Would normally expect to pepper 40sec on those.
On a brighter note it was the first time i’ve worn spikes in 5wks and had no problem with my calf.
Weights: Only a small session as it’s been a couple of weeks since i’ve lifted and I don’t want to be too sore fot fly sprints.
DB Chest press: 2x8@28k + 1x5@28k
BB DL: 3x3x140k
LPD: 2x8x65k + 1x6x65k
Tue 23rd Dec:
Fly 30m’s Freelap timing
Only managed 4 runs as we had lots of athletes to get through. Took about 10mins per round.
1). 3.32" 2). 3.20" 3). 3.28" 4). 3.28"
Pretty pleased with runs 3.20 only 3/100ths slower than what I managed in the summer which is pretty good considering how much training i missed through calf strain.
Sun 28th Dec
600m (1:44.9) 20min 500m (89.2) + 2x60m Running A’s
Tue 30th Dec4x10m from push up posn
4x20m falling starts
4x30m crouch start
1x60m timed (7.26sec)
Accelerations felt really good considering it was 10am. Probably the first time i’ve felt like i was in the right position and felt like I was still accelerating a 20m.
Fri 2nd Jan Weights: Just a light session to ease back into it.
BB DL 3x120k; 2x140k; 1x150k
Pull Ups 3x5 @ bodyweight
Push ups 2x20
Core/abs - various
Sun 4th Jan The plan was to do some accelerations then 2x250m 15min recs but it was very cold so just went straight into the 250s’
31.43sec 2) DNS
Been suffering for ages with a very persistent cough so was fairly pleased with the time of the first run considering i started coughing with 50 to go. Decided it unwise to do next run
Summary so far:
Pretty pleased with how my times are looking considering how much training i’ve missed. Gonna visist the docs tomorrow to try and get rid of this cough then hopefully can really get into gear for the indoors in feb. Also i’ve got to get some consistency with my weight training.
Track was frozen over so no chance of any running. Managed to do some med ball throws and core. Made the best of a crap night!
Wed 7th jan
Power Clean - 6@60kg; 5@65kg; DNS@70kg (first time I have done cleans in about 3yrs and my technique felt pretty good but when I attempted 70kg got a sharpe pain in my right wrist.)
BB Squat - 3x8@80kg
Pull Ups - 6; 5; 4 @ bodyweight
Thur 8th Jan
250m 20min 250m 5x30m running A’s
32.14 2) 32.47 (from standing start. Previous runs were from rolling start)
Fri 9th Jan
Power Cleans - 5@60kg; 3@65kg; 1@70kg; 1@80kg; 1@85kg; fail@90kg
(warmed up forearms on the Power-Plate and had no problems this time)
I live in nottingham but coach/train in mansfield. I compete in the Midland Mens lge (Div 1) and at most masters meets so a good place to catch up if you want to exchange some ideas or you’re more than welcome to join us for a session at mansfield if you like training in the cold and wind (which it is all the time. I think we get the winds direct from Siberia )
I suprised myself a bit with the last 600 time. I Hate doing the longer runs as i’m so bad at them so i guess i don’t always commit fully to them but i thought i ought to give some of the young bucks in the group a run for their money.
I’ve got my first indoor meet at the midland champs 7th feb at the NIA so will be interesting to see how I get on.
Tempo - 4x4x100m 50m walk btw runs; 100m walk btw sets.
Not sure what pace the 100’s were at, felt like 15-16sec. Tried to keep up with my 400m athletes on the second set and suffered a bit during the 3rd but then had a bit of a renainssance in the last set.