Boxing and track

Along side my track program (hi/lo days, and with everything else; sprints, plyos, tempo, etc), i would like to incorporate boxing. This is my 3rd year doing track, i will be doing 100 meter dash (12ish), and polevault (10ish). I am 5’7, 150 lbs and rising, on my 3rd out of 10 weeks of training until conference.

I want to incorporate boxing type activites after my track workout on high intensity days (monday, wednesday, and friday), i also am going to make the amount of volume of my boxing be proportional to my sprint volume.

The problem is time and reps for boxing, and a peak volume for boxing (# of hits or seconds). Once i did 2 sets by 5 reps of 8 sec all out hits, with 3.5 minutes between reps and 5 minutes between the set. For peak volume I am not sure of the total reps or seconds/minutes for my peak week, i’ve know there is peak numbers that charlie has said for different training factors (sprints, plyos, etc). I also did shadow boxing for 7 reps with 44 seconds with calisthenics exercise between reps as a tempo.

I am unsure of what this programs effectiveness in regards to my track program will be.

I did 8 seconds so that i would only be training in the alactic energy system, and to only create power. Would this be correct, or is the duration, intensity, MUI, or CNS tax be different for sprint then boxing? Is there a great transfer? Is there a clear difference between the two?

What are your goals?

Charlie said before they did speed bag work on tempo days–Alan Wells also did this.

I do some boxing stuff on rest days and conditioning sessions.

Something like

Speed Ball 3 x 1 min on, 30 off

Floor to Ceiling 5 x 1 min on, 30 off

Skipping 5 x 30 secs.

Plus some ab work weighted (for hammer)

I wish to just increase my punching power, and speed, while not overtraining since this is an addition to my track program. I am unsure of a peak volume thought. I am also wondering if my 3 punching days should be the same (each week) in duration.

What are some examples of boxing workouts you guys do on high intensity days (not tempo days). Would you do something similiar of very short duration for each rep (8secs) or longer durations (30 to 60 seconds).