Boston Injury

i have a question. If this man is doing deep squats, trap bar deadlifts, snatch grip deadlifts, etc… with some heavy poundages and strongman exercises as GPP then:

  1. Why does he have so little muscle mass on his legs?

  2. Why do the muscles on his leg and his connective tissue seem to lack the strength needed?

  3. It seems that if he had either of these, injury wouldn’t be a problem(i have been hit direct in the knee several times with no ill effect, as well I have a lot of muscle around my knee and generally strong in this area, yet this man lifts more than me and he injures it)

Others may have better answers but here’s a few thoughts … or rather speculation.

  1. Lower body exercises may be of lower rep ranges focusing on strength and not size, (obviously) a slightly different protocol is used for, say, his biceps and perhaps upper body. Also I have seen many people suggest that many footballers loose actual massin the lower body with higher volume running regimes, though this is a little speculative.

  2. Perhaps a poor GPP or AA phase. Or Simply a perhaps a poor training regime where little focus is on running or RFD and force absorption.
    Obvioulsy another ‘area’/topic beyond the remit of this domain is very likely too.

  3. Absorbing forces in contact sport is very much influenced by balance and visual perception and agility, not just force generation. I regard the influence of balance and agility critical to avoiding injury in contact sports. As for direct hits to the knee, well I’m not sure. It’s said Walter Payton developed a more straight-leg running style when he noticed most injuries to the knee were as a result to hits taken when the knee was bent. He tried to keep it about 30 degrees.

Chris and others could probably give better football specific opinions though.

DB’s out for the year

Why do the muscles on his leg and his connective tissue seem to lack the strength needed?

It’s not the muscles it’s the connective tissue. Heavy training causes a greater increase in muscular strength then connective tissue strength.

The story indicated he was now 6’2" 228. Has he really lost that much weight-anybody know?

My guess is the injury has to do with force absorption and possibly GPP. The maximal strength is obviously present. The little info that was given decribing the injury seems to point in this direction.

He does not have small legs. His thighs are very big. His calves are small but most of these wide recivers have small calves. I think the fact that he lost so much had something to do with the injury. Football teams know nothing about training.

in relative comparison to his upper body, no way, and they werent before, and I refer you to this thread, which in it somewhere contains a picture showing this.

Which football teams? Be careful of generalizations, especially when people want to shift blame around.

True - the other point is how much of his training are the football team responsible for?

Yes force absorption - seems most likely.

I’m not entirely familiar with the specifics of his training, however I believe little actual sprinting work is done, which is fine for maximal strength, RFD etc.,
In terms of force absorbtion and redirection - the absence of sprinting and agility work of some sort cannot contribute well to playing actual contact sports.

But again it’s all just speculation, unless we know what his actual training programme was.

It’s very unfortunate for him.

Perhaps it was just an “oh shit” injury… those things happen in football, you know…

Not over and over again.

I guess those peterson step-ups and $200k didn’t keep him out of the danger zone. Now he’ll have more time for arm workouts.

He will be a serious challenger in the “ARMS RACE” now that he has all of this spare time.

Reads like a patella tendon tear. Almost always non-contact unless there are major forces occuring around the knee like downhill skiing crash or water skiing. Probably a pre-existing injury. Hard to imagine that happening to a otherwise healthy knee and non-contact at that.

There is a congenital(sp) condition that predisposes people to tendon ruptures. Rodney Pete, QB now with the Panthers, has it. Tore both Achilles and one or both patella or quad tendons. Hard to believe someone can get to the NFL with that condition. A wrestler I know tore both biceps tendons off his scapula when he was in his late 20’s. Cured his impingement! Another colleauge (sp) tore both Achilles one after the other when he was 20.

Nothing on Charles’ site about it.

Oh, and if anyone is interested in Charles’ PICP Certification it costs $82,561.76 and takes 41 years to complete. I’ve arranged for our 7 year-old to sit in for me on the final exam in 2045.

The bigger you are, the harder the forces, so you should be as big as you need to be- that’s it!

And therein lies the rub. There’s no mystery here, as Charlie said - Boston was too big, perhaps bigger than his body was meant to be. The strain showed. 6’2, 255 pounds, running that fast with extreme lateral motion - something was bound to give.

Hopefully Boston will dial down his ego, get back down to 230 or so, and will still have a career.

Oh - I’m surprised too!

When did he reduce the co$t for that one?

Thomas - have you (or anyone else) paid for access to the new site?

no23, no I haven’t. Someone posted a while back that the info wasn’t so earth shattering. I don’t get e-mails returned by his staff regarding seminars and the like. So I wonder if he would stay up to date with a weekly newsletter and not post cut and paste old Q & A from MM2000. I wonder how many articles and Q & A are useful to the many strength coachs. His training articles are terrific and I think he was a trailblazer for many in the industry, but I could do without the esoteric supplement articles.

I would like to hear from the athletes that Charles has trained, supplemented, blood tested, given ART, acupucture, tongue scraped, etc…

How significant of a difference does all the supplementation make. If its a 1/100 of a second and the difference of gold and silver its worth it. If it helps in recovery, terrific. It didn’t help Boston being that big.