Bolt 9.69 and the New Limits of Human Performance

Would your SPP1 SE look something like this:
Wk 1-4: 2 x200
Wk 5-8: 2x250
Wk 9-12: 2x300
Wk 1: 300-200-100 :confused:??

Remember that people start running 5X300 in October/November. Back then times might be 45 --> 38. In April later in SPP2, times might be 34-35 for the 300 and 21-point/10.5-10.8 for the 200/100, all with 10 min rest from 3-pt. So the 300 is in the SE1/II range, while the 200 and 100 are clearly SE (95-100% effort).

Leroy Dixon ran 48 in an open 400 a month ago and Carmelita Jeter ran 53.08 (running down Lashinda Demus in the home straight and almost making the IAAF list for the event!) two weeks ago. Practice times are what you might expect from that.

My 12 week prep largely follows Charlie’s progression of submax 60’s, with the SE actually not that much different:

This is week 4:

Mon:…2X200+2X50 (20 min rest for 200s)
Wed:…8X60 6 min rest
Fri:…3X5X50 rest 2 min/6 min

The 3X5X50 starts at 3X5X20 in week 1 and goes up 10m each week.

This is week 5-8:

Mon:…2X200+2X50 (30 min rest for 200s)
…OR 5X60+3X200
Fri:…6X60 rest 10 min

This is week 9-12

Mon:…4X60 rest 20 min
Fri:…4X60 rest 20 min

SPP2 week 1:

Sun:…4X60 rest 15 min
Tue:…very easy or off
Wed:…weights/maybe starts
Thu or Fri:.2X3X80 rest 7 min/15 min

Any other updates from his training before his car accident?

[QUOTE=lkh;214445]My 12 week prep largely follows Charlie’s progression of This is week 5-8:

Mon:…2X200+2X50 (30 min rest for 200s)
…OR 5X60+3X200
Fri:…6X60 rest 10 min

I swednesday omitted?Or is again 200m and 60m?


Only 2 speed days in SPP.

yes…but 9-12 again 3…maybe more of a typo…