rogue leader...

I ran 7.36 last year in earlier October before having some injury problems. I had hit 10.0ms at 30m on light gates- so I was sure I would go close to sub 7.0 however I ran 7.36. The quickest 60m e on the track is 6.86 by 10.4 runner. The track can be fast when the winds are right and if its warm. The problem is that the surface is not good and because of the usual cross winds and cold weather -times are not fast.

3x200m, 90s rest (27, 29, 38)

went a bit quicker on the first two today and just took it nice and easy on the third. I want to work on trying to get my 3x200’s all under 30s before the masters games.

definitely starting to feel good in the legs. none of the soreness or tightness that is usually lingering in the background. the hill work really seems to be helping, too…

-50x pogo jumps
-20x pogo +10kg
-full 1:10 30kg
-5:5 50kg
-1:5 70kg
bouncing lunge
-1:15 left leg, 30kg

had to cut this one short as S had a screaming fit over the fact that I was gone. :rolleyes:

I’m thinking that I might head over to baron ridge for another run on that slow track, just to see if I’ve been making progress. this time I’ll just run the 60 and the 245, because the break between the 60 and the 100 was too short…

60m: 1st, 7.83, +1.5w
100m: 3rd, 12.51, +2.4w

the times were better but there was a significant wind at my back. still, my technique was much smoother and my recovery was heaps better than a month ago. still a long way to go, but things are gradually slotting into place…

progress is good :cool:

long time, no post.

things have been going ok for me. had a bit of lower back soreness, but nothing that has been bothering me too much. been getting in a balanced amount of weight training (dumbells), speed endurance (3x200m at 30s) and speed training (20’s and 60s). things seem to be gradually improving for me, so I’m hoping that I’ll be in decent shape for the games in a couple of weeks.

here’s a video of todays adventures:

fine tuning required and a few technical issues to deal with, but at least I now have a better idea of what needs to be worked on… :cool:

world masters games

100m: heat, 5th, 12.11s
200m: final, 6th, 25.22s

considering where I was a month or so ago, I’m pretty happy with these results. would have been nice to sneak under 12/25, but as this is my first proper meet of the season I think/hope it won’t be too long before I start to scare my pb’s…

60m: 7.82s w-4.6
200m: 25.88s w0.6

I was pretty neutral about my 60m time, but with that kind of headwind it’s actually not all that bad for me. the 200m was rubbish, though. I butchered the start and didn’t run a very good bend. at one stage I lost balance and almost stepped on the inside line, so I kind of had a few mis-steps that would have slowed me down a fair bit. made up some ground over the last 20m, though…

summer series
60m: 7.56s, +2.8w
100m: 12.15s, +2.5w

pretty happy with those times considering I was half asleep. my start in the 100 was particularly bad - possibly the worst I’ve ever done in competition. despite that I was still able to get a decent time out of it. the tailwind was very strong, but the track is also quite slow, so they would cancel each other out a bit. my 60 pb is 7.8ish (not sure, exactly), so it was significantly quicker than I’ve gone before.

I have a 60 and a 200 today. not feeling too bad after last night so I might give it a go. won’t over-extend, though…

Well done! Looks like a sub 12s is just around the corner. I see that you have joined Illawong Athletics Club now. Do you ever train with them or know anything of the training Michael Dooley’s squad is doing. He seems to be very good at producing high quality junior sprinters, but somehow they never seem to make it as seniors. This makes me think that they probably do a huge amount of volume (probably lots of intensive tempo) at a young age. Can you confirm this?

cheers, robin!

jake hammond ran 10.65s the other week, so he’s going ok. I think he’s 19.

I don’t actually train with dooley’s squad, or have any detailed knowledge about what they do, but I get on pretty well with mick, so I might ask a few questions. I’d be keen to know a bit more, myself.

I know a bit more about what max does with his guys. a sample track workout someone mentioned went something along the lines of 3x150 at 100%, followed by 600/500/400/300/200/100 at a slower speed (don’t know what intensity), then a couple of warmdown runs. I hear he pushes his guys pretty hard.

should mention that I had a race against sam s (from the forum) last saturday. I can say first hand that he’s a tall, solid lad and a friendly sort of chap, too… :cool:

:eek: YIKES 450 speed & then 2100m of even tempo (<75%) is brutal.

yeah, that’s what I thought. don’t know how much of a good idea it is to put “speed” and extensive tempo into the same session like that, either…

He’s turning 19 next month, and he also ran 21.07 in the 200. He was one of the guys I was referring to when I said Dooley keeps producing good junior sprinters (although in Hammond’s case we don’t know yet what he will do as a senior). Another example would be Jaryd Cowley who ran 21.6 as a junior, and is now running around 22.7. There are also a number of quality female juniors in Dooley’s squad. I’m not trying to criticise him here, by the way, just trying to find out what he does with his athletes. I, too, have met him and found him to be a really nice chap; and I would personally prefer having run top times as a junior only to never having run them at all.

60m: 7.79s
100m: 12.35s
200m: 25-26?

I’ve found that there are tuesday evening meets at campbelltown, which isn’t too far from where I live. seems like it will be a lot more convenient for me to attend these rather than friday night at my home track. I’m going to use this as an organised training session. hopefully it will get me off my butt and into something regular and consistent.

got a good start in the 60 but didn’t go so well in the middle. 100 was ok, but the start wasn’t so great. for the 200m I just ran it at a fairly slow pace because I could feel my chicken/potato dinner knocking at the door.

I feel like I’m not too far off cracking a couple of pb’s. I might try skipping a 60 at one of these meets and see if I can bust out a good time…

Strange, I was sure I had told you about these competitions, but apparently I hadn’t. The Campbelltown comps are very small and hand-timed, but the track is definitely faster than in Illawong.

you might have, but I must have missed it.

I wasn’t sure if it was hand timed or not. someone said it was electronic, but I didn’t see any gates there…

I, too, had read something about Campbelltown getting an electric timing system, which they said they wanted to use for their comps. However, when I went there last year, it was hand-timed with only three or four guys running the 100m.

according to the nsw website, the campbelltown meet was a ratified permit meet. does that mean it had electronic timing?

decided to sit it out ths weekend. I’ve had a fair bit of foot/calf/shin soreness for a few days, so I think I need a bit of a break.

I do have a photo of my 200m relay from last week, though. that should keep my loyal readers happy. :wink:

I took the baton about 30m behind this guy and ended up finishing .02s short of catching him… :stuck_out_tongue:

good work :cool: