BLOCK PERIODIZATION Related Questions and Discussions

Easy now, easy. I dont recall stating Im an “authority”. Please stick to the facts, and quit assuming what I think about myself.

I have to congratulate you for your level of knowledge. Persons with decades of experience in field always told me they need to learn more. Same thing I learned from several senior coaches from this board. I am privileged to meet somebody who know all he will ever need to know.

You dont have to exclusively state that, to act like one.
On the other side, you are right: we need to know more, always… I guess you knew what I mean by saying that I have ‘enough theoretical knowledge’ (since I work mostly with kids and lower level athletes), but you are nitpicking and making elephants out of mouses, along with questioning my ‘theoretical knowledge’.

Perception, Duxx :smiley:

I thought experts write long confused papers on “periodization” and find flaws in the work of coaches like Bompa, Isurrin and others. But Im sure that in this case its just perception as well.

You finding flaws about BPC after you read one single book on the subject and with no previous knowledge or practical experience on the subject is a “mouse” ? :slight_smile:

Yes I do. Based on the things you wrote on your articles and what you posted on this board. It may be very well enough to do your job at very high standards,as you say, but probably not enough yet to emit judgments about BPC.


This is nuts.

Duxx was just trying to spur a discussion about BPC so that we as a collective whole can learn more about BPC.

People can pick out flaws in the system, ask questions and, in a forum, experts in BPC, like Dan, can then answer said questions and concerns with what they know and their practical experience using such models. Then Duxx, and the rest of the forum can read and learn from the discussion.

Also perhaps the flaws he found, if not legitimate, are subjects that should be clarified in future editions of the book. In other words maybe the book didn’t address the subject well enough

Going off on a tangent about why Duxx cannot question the material or if he knows too much does no good.

What have we learned from the debate…


I have not read the book but am interested in any discussion relating to the model so that I may learn more about Issurin’s approach

I was not referring to that ‘mouse’ :), but on the ‘mouse’ that ‘I have more theoretical knowledge than I would need it in my ‘current’ practice’ — you know what I mean…


Stick to the discussion, forget about me. You are right I am wrong. Can you spend more time/writing about why does BPC don’t have flaws? Can you answer the asked questions on this thread for a change, or you are going to quote Verkhoshansky forever or some other book? What are your experiences of BPC?

Finally… Well said. Thanks :slight_smile:

I dont recall quoting Verkhsohansky on this board or quoting 1001 authors in a paper I wrote.

I referred you to his work to help you understand better the block system and its application in power sports, knowing it contains many of the answers you seek (or at least appear to seek).

I dont recall either quoting “forever :rolleyes: other book” again, I referred ppl needing knowledge to said books.

Again, stick to the facts.

Many answers to your questions are contained in the books you was already referred to, months ago. After you will read them, I will be happy to answer and explain my point of view the remaining questions.

I need to clarify one thing:

Block Training use delayed training effects, training residuals, concentrated loading, overreaching phenomena, maintenance principle, abilities interaction. Yet, these are training PRICNIPLES and daptation phenomenas that happens, so not every training system that exploits this phenomas is BLOCK, but every BLOCK training must exploits this phenomenas.

On a side note, in Verkhoshansky’s Block Periodization, (I guess) there is NO maintenance work (on previously developed traits/abilities). If you look at the graphs he use, there is a supression of those traits during the concentrated block and then there is a effect of supercompensation. So what are you going to maintain with maintenance loads? A decreased abilities (due overreaching)?

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