Bicarb soda/caffeine for 800m run

I’m looking for information on anything I can use before my next race to help improve my time. The last few races I have been running close to the same time but just off a qualifying performance. With only 1 race to go before the cut off for qualifying (about 1 second quicker than I have been running) I am looking at using something that might just get me over the line.
How effective are bicarb soda and caffiene for 800m events or is there something else I should be looking at? I am a bit nervous about trying the bicarb because off the possible effects on my stomach but I know some people have mentioned in the past there may be better supplements to take then bicarb soda that have similar effects?
Many thanks

beta alanine

How do you take it…how much and how long before the race. I read some info that said you need to take it for weeks to load up the muscle to see any benefit. Is this true?

Whatever the literature says. I think 2g 3x/day and yes you need to take it for at least a few days before you will notice any effects.

In my experience, bicarb will help for sure. Take 0.3g/kg of bodyweight about 60-90 mins before you run. So 70kg bw take 21g, which equals 4 teaspoons essentially (as a teaspoon is about 5g). Take it with powerade or something because it tastes like shit. It shouldnt be a prob if you take it as 0.3g/kg bodyweight but try it in training before hand if you have the chance.

Other option is caffeine, take 200mg (we use 2x100mg no doze tabs) 45 mins before hand and it will help too. Use them both if you are really desperate.

what is the minimum distance you use that for? 400m?

We use it mainly for 400m, but have used them both for 200m and for 800m with good success.

Thnaks for the tips. I’m assuming you just sip on it from about 90mins before your event so by the time you come to warm up you have finished it completely.

What would one expect to Feel from this?
Lets say 400m, and the monkey jumps on your back at say 300m, does this delay the monkey for say 20m or so? Same with the 800m, instead of death at 600m, does it allow an extra 50m or so? Or are the effects different? Perhaps a noticably less Bite of lactate, less of a total burn?

We dont sip on it we just take the teaspoon with in a small cup with the powerade and swallow it. If you need 20g (=4x5g or 4 teaspoons) and you are racing at 4pm take one teaspoon at 2pm, one at 2.15pm, one at 2.30pm and one at 2.45pm and then you can start warming up at say 3-3.15pm, whatever you do…

You just dont die as much after taking it. So at 300 in a 400 and 600 in an 800. The pace judgement is important though as if you go too fast you will die anyway, but it will just lessen how much you die. However, if you go too slow then you wont get much benefit from it as there will be little lactate to buffer.

will be interesting to see how it affects older athletes given it is a different reaction where instead of pain it is more akin to that monkey being replaced with a piano and the track turning to mud…like one of those dreams where you are running but it is all slow motion.

beta alanine still beats bicarb. good luck getting anyone to take bicarb without it making a volcano in their tummy. also most athletes won’t even drink supplements if it doesn’t taste like strawberry cheesecake. i’d love to see some of those people enjoy a few cups of bicarb. bicarb is alot cheaper and more readily available though…i’ll give it that.

Sodium citrate works well and you need a whole lot less than bicarb. Often athletes use a version of Pedialite (for infants with stomach distress) Grape flavoured is borderline tolerable. You can get it at most pharmacies and you can wash down your beta alanine with it!

I have heard that but if I remember correctly, I could never find anywhere to buy sodium citrate…this was several years ago though. Is it that uncommon or am I just looking in the wrong places?

Ice Cream, soft drinks…
Sodium citrate is used in ice cream to keep the fat globules from sticking together. Citrates and phosphates both have this property.

It is also an anti-coagulant.

As a buffering agent, sodium citrate helps maintain pH levels in soft drinks.

AND if you look at the following link, you can buy it from here - google seach found it 1st page.

Does that mean Sodium citrate/bicarb can be used before racing even when you are already getting the 6g of beta-alanine?

So do they work well together before racing.
I thought it was an OR beta alanine OR Sodium citrate/bicarb.

thanks for any info

How much Sodium citrate should one take for benefits?