Ben Johnson Squat 1rm?

For a fast twitch dominant athlete they would use:

Number of reps/%'s:







I read an autobiography of Ben Johnson (published think 1987 or 1988) and there was a picture of him doing squats. I do not know how many pounds was there, but there was a someone behind him and helped him very well (his arms were around Ben to help him standing up and trying a lot!)
Question: 2x6x600 was done without spoter and without any help? Clear?

My best with 90% of max is 5 reps… and 77% of max is 10 reps…

Slow twitch dominant:


When you say 1RM do you mean Training Max or Competition Max there can be a 10-15% difference in the TM compared to the CM

He had a spotter most of the time but when I did it I didn’t help him up and he didn’t need it, just for insurance in case there was a problem. Mostly he was spotted by me or Desai or Mark and they would have done the same as me but he sometimes was spotted by others if I wasn’t there for some reason and I can’t vouch for anyone else in my absence. At times he may also have done it without a spotter but he wasn’t supposed to. I assume you would recognize us.

This is what CP suggests (from what i have read). To do so, you might still do say 30reps total workout in say bench, you just break it up more, ie, 10 sets of 3 instead of 3 sets of 10.

CP normally tries to target more Elite level, or higher level guys than he does with beginners. Surely though, even though CP’s guys dont do SE running, surely they push hard on these weights, creating a WEights SE effect over time?

Therefore - how do we read the results from such a position? Perhaps they have the Fast twitch / Slow twitch back to front??

I dont doubt that however, the results that one can get from training to your strengths, ie, should you train high or low reps depending on your 85% rep base for guys looking to get bigger and stronger. How though, does it apply to sprinting?

I’m lead to believe, CP and those guys TEST often, and use current testing Max, whether that be comp or what?

Utilizing repetition tests with sub-max weight and weighing the results against a 1RM, competition or training max, is an unwise and inaccurate measure of fiber type dominance/composition.

The training program that one has been on can easily sway the results one way or the other.

Simple training adjustments may increase the oxidation potential of type IIa and IIb/x fiber.

For this reason, with all due respect to those who place value on the significance of any RM weighed against a 1RM, this vehicle of indication is science fiction.

Short of muscle biopsy, the most accurate measure of white fiber dominance, or not, is to assess activities that are a direct reflection of the capacity of white fiber; i.e. short sprints, jumps, and throws

Using 1RMs and reps with heavy weights is doomed from the start in this regard as the last direction you should look in, with respect to identifying to what extent a subject is gifted with explosive potential, is slow activities.

Take a look at the attached chart:

Any way you slice it, the closer the athlete is to scoring 100 on the test the more white fiber they have.

True - i actually do agree here!
But we are talking Charles Pol… He is a self promoted Guru, charges hundeds $$ per hr training sessions, charges thousands so you can Study Under him and become just like him…

Just cause i posted CP stuff, doesn’t necessary mean i endorse it as a means of sprinting training (including teams). Its just that HE and his stuff gets quoted a lot, and the Fibre thing based off 1Rm is something i see a lot.

If the coach don’t want to test for 3,5,10 rm what would you recommend? There are programs that are based around these rep maxes, for example 3x10x90% of 10rm…

I’m not sure I understand the question.

If the training percentages are based off of repetition maximums than a repetition maximum will have to be taken.

If a coach does not want the athlete to test a repetition maximum then I suspect it’s moot point because this would indicate that the coaches program does not include training percentages based off of repetition maximums.

I don’t see the point of testing rep maxes, we should be able to get a accurate number from the charts above. 5rm: approx 85%, 3rm: approx: 92.5%, 10rm: approx 74% etc etc.

At 85% of 1RM, I would think almost all muscle fibres would be recruited. Therefore, wouldn’t a test to see how many repetitions be performed tell you about the fatigue resistance of the FT fibres just as much as the ST fibres?

I would think that a higher number of reps might indicate maybe a higher % of IIa fibres over IIx, rather than a higher % of type I.

That also agrees with James’ post on how different training can change the results…I’m pretty sure bodybuilders have been shown to have much higher % of IIa fibres and less IIx fibres than average, and I would guess that their training would involve lots of higher rep work with heavy weight, similar to Poliquin’s test.

Too many factors can sway the rep test:

-does the athlete predominantly train with singles or go to failure?

-the athlete may have a build-up of fatigue from previous sessions which will allow far less reps.

-The athlete may be using creatine, which will allow more reps at a higher %.

P.S James, on that chart you posted how is the 3-jump test performed? Is it 3 consecutive 2 legged hops or a standing triple jump?

Who bases their system around 90% of 10RM? That would be about a 13RM for the typical athlete. Are you talking about a program designed for strength that centers around sets of 10 reps of a 13RM?

Dr. Stone!!! His methods are a lot better then your westside boys.

I’m curious about this too. I’m just quoting it so you don’t miss it, James.


The three consecutive jump test is a two legged triple jump (3 consecutive standing long jumps performed reactively/successively minimizing GCT)

For those of you who saw the results of my skill players that I posted- this is the way that I have them perform the standing triple jump.

I’m not a westside boy, although I do recognize that there happen to be an unusual population of elite lifters at that particular gym and that most of the guys I run into at powerlifting meets who are of any consequence take at least a portion of their training from westside principles.

I’d like to see some strength athletes that train exclusivey in the sub 70% of 1RM. I mean people pushing or pulling big numbers who got there doing 3 x 10 x 13RM. Does he have any elite weightlifters, either powerlifters or Olympic lifters, that have made significant progress with his system?