barry sanders jr


Only a FR in hs!

Wow! He’s the next Barry for sure. It will be pretty interesting in about 2 years. I wonder if he’s bigger than his Dad?

A 14 years old, he’s 5’11, 170lbs

So he’s 3" taller than his Dad, and he probably weighed more in HS. Its funny because after Barry JR scored he was celebrating and Barry SR would never celebrate and just pitch the ball to the ref.

Hmmm … nice balance and doesn’t run to touch either …


It’s not off the grass he licked it

That was probably his first big run off his high school career. Looks like he’s learning though. Here’s what he did in the state final.


That looks more like the old Barry by tossing the ball to the ref lol. His running style already is replicating his Dad’s pretty well. I wonder how much of a role his Dad has in teaching him how to run the football. I remember in his book “Now you See him…” Barry says that his father told him to run like a scared rabbit. I’m sure Genetics also play a big role in his running style.