Dwain Chambers

It would hardly be surprising, and he also, as Charlie pointed out, is a little bit too honest for people’s taste.

Do you know if this available in ebook?

No he hasn’t. RB34 just wanted to imply that the Brits have been hard on Chambers because he is black, forgetting they have been hard on everyone who has tested positive.

Ironically, the guy who gets it the worst in the European press is a white guy who never tested positive (Lance).

That’s enough on that topic for now folks!:cool:

When is Chambers next race? And can someone post a link to it once he races?

agreed. Just suffice it to say you won’t win friends writing an expose whether you’re black, white or green.

Not sure, but I doubt it. I haven’t seen it anywhere in this format anyway.

Wind: -1.8 m/s

1 Simeon WILLIAMSON HIGHGATE 10.05 0.166 SB

2 Dwain CHAMBERS BELGRAVE 10.22 0.147

3 Tyrone EDGAR NEWHAM EB 10.28 0.141

4 Craig PICKERING MILTON K 10.33 0.164


6 James ELLINGTON BELGRAVE 10.51 0.136

7 Leevan YEARWOOD VICTORIA P 10.52 0.165


Great run from Williamson. 10.05 into a 1.8m/s headwind and in the rain. He’s definitely in sub 10 shape.

UK Nationals 100m final

Wind: -1.8 m/s

1 Simeon WILLIAMSON HIGHGATE 10.05 0.166 SB

2 Dwain CHAMBERS BELGRAVE 10.22 0.147

3 Tyrone EDGAR NEWHAM EB 10.28 0.141

4 Craig PICKERING MILTON K 10.33 0.164


6 James ELLINGTON BELGRAVE 10.51 0.136

7 Leevan YEARWOOD VICTORIA P 10.52 0.165


Great run from Williamson. 10.05 into a 1.8m/s headwind and in the rain. He’s definitely in sub 10 shape.

Anyone want to take a guess at what Williamson could have run with a +2.0 wind?

10.8x maybe

Asafa Powell ran 10.07 under identical conditions (-1.8 wind and rain) in Lausanne and then dropped a 9.88 under better conditions (but still no strong tailwind) in Rome three days later.

any links to the race

chambers got left at 60 big time by simeon, not sure where chambers goes from here

Too bad for Chambers… Hopefully he makes it onto the 100m squad for Berlin (but I doubt it).

How did Joel do? I noticed he warmed up in middle distance spikes then switched into comp spikes later… any reason for this?

well !!! long story but i couldnt go with him and he tends to suffer mentally when alone so didnt too well and wouldnt ya know he been ill since the u23 but still ran .58 but didnt even bother in the semi ran .92 and pulled out of the 200 today. think im gonna pull him from next weeks race at brum, he raced too much lately and its now showing.

Yeah he uses the old puma’s as their just comfy we also found that by warming up in softer spikes his legs are more receptive to speed.

I saw your result how you feel about it?

Had a nightmare… basicly did my jump before I got in the blocks and bang: both calfs cramped. It’s happened before and I thought ‘oh shit, I aint gonna pull out infront of all these people’, so got in the blocks and ran the whole race with two cramped calfs?! so the time was alright considering.

I’m pissed tho cos I would have got to the semi’s otherwise.

The softer spikes think is interesting… a bit like the running on grass phenomenon.

Yeah the soft spikes seems to work that way for us. Yeah Joel was down as he could and should have made the final. When is your next race?

You think he could have beaten MLF?