Auto-Regulation training

How much to lift, how many times and how often. It seems as though everyone has a different opinions on these topics. It does seem however that the successful trainers( those that reach a high percentage of their genetic potential) have found the right combination of stimulation and recuperation for themselves.

Example—C. Thibaudeau has suggested the following
"I have a formula that I use to see if my athletes are training too much, not enough volume, not enough intensity, etc. IER = (HR2 - HR3) / (HR2 - HR1) x 100 Where: HR1 = Heart rate before the training session HR2 = Heart rate immediately after training (30-60 seconds after last set of last exercise, before cool down) HR3 = Heart rate 5 minutes after training

This will give you a ratio in percentage. Also using the morning heart rate (resting heart rate) the day after the session we have the following info: IER = 50-60% resting heart rate + 5 to +7 beats per minute = optimal training load, no overtraining risk.

IER = 50-60% resting heart rate - 3 to -5 beats per minute = optimal workload, but training time too long (low density).

IER = 50-60% and resting heart rate + 10 to +15 beats per minute = optimal training volume, but intensity too high. IER = +60% resting heart rate no changes = insufficient workload.

IER = +60% resting heart rate is lower than usual = you can increase average training intensity

IER = +60% and resting heart rate + 5 to +10 beats per minute = increase training time (longer rest intervals) IER = -50% and resting heart rate without changes = Excessive workload which could lead to overtraining.

IER = -50% and resting heart rate is elevated = the athlete is in the middle of an overtraining state due to excessive intensity

IER = -50% and resting heart rate decreases = the athlete is in the middle of an overtraining state due to excessive volume." --------------------------

Could you clarify this for me. It looks fascinating, but I don’t understand what IER stands for. Also, what does the “-3 to -5 beats per minute” mean? -3 to -5 from what?

Thanks. This looks interesting. AREG training I think is the next frontier of power/speed training.

Interesting theories. Is there any article or research paper where he shows how he originated and proved these formulae? Regardless, as in all training elements, the best eye is that of the coach or individual who carefully monitors all factors. Maybe this formula would be significant if all the athlete does is train and rest, but since there are so many factors that can alter a person’s heart rate, this all seems pretty meaningless except as a very general reference to use at best as one of several tools to put together the whole picture but not an end of all means.

--------It’s been developed in Eastern Europe and I read about it in the work of Thomas Kurz

The ubiquitous DB Hammer bases his entire training program on autoreg training. What little Jay Schroeder has revealed indicates that he does the same thing.

This topic of regulating and utilizing nervous system fatigue is virtually unknown among swim coaches. As a swimmer I hope that changes soon. Perhaps I should be a trailblazer! :cool: