I tryed to use some asymetrical loading and DB in my training and I am interested does someone have some experience with this kind of exercises:
- one DB lunge (held in one arm) & lunge walk
- side DL (bar aside)
- one arm press with DB
- DB snatch & clean
- one DB overhead squat
- one DB bulgarian squats
- squats with uneqal weight plates (less than 5%)
- one DB (held in one arm) step-up
- one DB flys
- one leg DL (this is one of the hardest exercise s I tryed)
- one leg RDL with extending rear leg
- …
Note that I am not replaced my “precious” bar exercises, just I used to add and play with assimetrical loading, and I must say it is chalenging to maintain balance and neutral spine, and I belive they have a “transfer” to core/main bar exercises… Also, they are done with small weight with PERFECT form and far, far, far away from failure for about 5-10 reps. Any thoughts about this kind of auxilary training