Asafa, Mo, Tim, Ben Splits

what about in particular?

Breathing patterns in the 100 or 10m splits? or both?

Yes the breathing pattern of accelerating in the 100m. I just analyzed maurice greene and his 9.82 edmonton run. His breathing pattern was: (using front view head shot- his face viewable at step 12)
step 12, 13 blowout;
step 14, 15 inhale n holdin;
16, 17 blowout;
18 inhale;
19, 20, 21, 22 blowout;
23 inhale;
24, 25 blowout;
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 inhale n holdin;
32, 33, blowout;
34 inhale;
35 blowout;
36, 37, 38 inhale n holdin;
39 blowout;
40, 41, 42 inhale n holdin;
43, 44 blowout;
45 inhale

mo greene etown 9.82 frontview slow mo vid:

View a race or three when he was behind late in the race.
See if there is a difference in his natural rhythm.
I suspect you will see a different pattern for sure. -tyson gay 19.41 200m straight

-front on shot head shot at 2:55 of video for 58 strides.

-you could see tyson pretty much using breathing pattern of breathe inhale in 4strides, blowout 2strides.

-or from distance covered(around approximately 2.5m per stride), breathe inhale n hold 10metres and blowout for 5 metres.