
How close to competition would you guys get ART? If I’m running on Saturday would Thursday be too close?

Depends. Generally no but check with your practitioner.

Thanks!! Planning on treating several different areas over 3-4 sessions. Treatment areas - Psoas, TFL, Left Hamstring, Right groin. Treatment days: April 2-5-7, First comp April 10.

Be careful if they tend to go very hard and cause soreness.

Just have a talk with practitioner about your schedule. My friend Steve Radovich in Windsor is a great ART guy. I have to cross the border, but he is worth it. Most ART guys know not to do to many “passes” as it irritates the tissue more than loosening it up. Good luck, hope it all works out.

Thanks, my new insurance covers the treatment sessions, I’m gonna be an ART junky the new couple months.

I need insurance for ART. The problem is that Michigan is one of the most restrictive states on the scope of Chiropractic. If they don’t get paid, they don’t do it. I am ART upper extremity certified, but unfortunately, can’t work on myself.