PLEASE show me an example of someone who cannot activate their hip flexors. That is, show me a person who cannot raise their hip from 180 degrees AT ALL. I’ll save you the trouble, you won’t find it. Oh yes, I’m sure this client of yours cannot move flex her hip at all. Because if she can’t activate her hip flexors how in the hell is she walking every day? Like a freakin’ penguin wobbling back and forth with her legs COMPLETELY straight???
Yes, according to my logic you must lift weights 8 hours per day. Because in my post I made a bunch of references regarding how much time must be put in to induce a hypertrophy/strength effect. No, I made a post regarding INJURIES. The law of repetitive motion, let me say that again, THE LAW OF REPETITIVE MOTION is not the LAW OF HYPERTROPHY OR STRENGTH. But for what it’s worth, hypertrophy is not going to happen with 1% of one’s meals resulting in a caloric surplus (unless you are ingesting an ungodly amount of calories 1% of the time per week). Just because 1% of one’s time is spent training DOES NOT mean 1% of the time a stimulus is being given.
I’ve seen people grow on zero training in the weight room per week, it’s called eating more calories than you expend.
Uhh, if a muscle is spasming it’s not active? You might want to rethink this. If a muscle is spasming it is contracting, that is, it is ALREADY WORKING. How in the hell is a muscle contracting if it is not active? How in the hell is a muscle contracting not already working? You’re going to activate a muscle more by relaxing it? The point of foam rolling a spasming muscle is to RELAX it. A spasming muscle is just about as active as a muscle is ever going to get. Your logic of using foam rolling/massage to activate a muscle is asinine. Why do people always ask for massages on places of their body where there are knots? Because they want that musculature to be RELAXED. Activating a muscle is making that muscle contract. You want to make a muscle hold contracture? Tighten the shit out of it.
You need to come to the conclusion that people who are sitting earning a living at a computer 8 hours a day might get some results, but they are unlikely to be optimal or the best results that person can get. I never said these people were a hopeless cause to induce any benefit to. What I said was 1 hour of correction will not offset hours upon hours of screwing up. My “dribble” consists of reality: Offsetting the amount of screwing up with a relatively equal amount of correcting. I never said get rid of chairs. I said however often you are in a chair one should work on not being in a chair as well. Meanwhile, your dribble consists of correcting YEARS of inefficiencies with a few drills a couple times per week. Apparently logic defies your brain capacity.