Yep, you could have been at 4.4’s if you would have done the program I sent - long sled pulls, pauses for the lifts etc etc. Your 40yds should be 4.5’s with those 10 and 20yd times.
I’m still doing the pauses for the lifts! But ya I just didn’t understand the long sled pulls, on how to do them. I felt like I could benefit more from the controlled speed work.
I haven’t really ran any 40’s in a while. Mostly 10-30yds/m, if that even matters. I bet I’ll run faster within a week or two. And I agree, the split from 20-40 should be faster. Also looking at my 30m time, they should at least be in the high 4.4-4.5’s.
You missing the boat son.
Ok ya I may be overthinking as far as my guesswork goes. But are you talking about the workouts?
Week 4, 7-19-10
Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)
Accel Work: 300
5 x 10yds, 1.62, 1.56, 1.60, 1.54
5 x 20yds, 2.75, 2.66, 2.69, 2.69, 2.66
5 x 30m, 3.91, 3.85, 3.97, 3.90, 3.85
MB Throws:
OHB - 4 x
BLF - 4 x
Snatch Throw - 4 x
Power Skips for Height/Distance - 2 x 5
Pause Back Squat - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 5 x 5 w/ 265
Russian Lean - 3 x 5
Core stuff afterwards.
Another good day today. If I can just run a tenth of a second faster consistently in these 30’s I will be more than confident in going into the tryout.
Tuesday, 7-20-10
Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)
10 x 100m, 30sec rest
Pause Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 5 x 5 w/ 180
A1). DB Row - 3 x 10, 55lb DB
A2). DB Rear Raises - 3 x 10, 12.5’s
B1). Tricep Pressdown - 6 x 10
B2). EZ Bar Curl - 6 x 10
MB Core Throws - 600+
Wednesday, 7-21-10
Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)
CSW - 5 x 200m, 5min rest
My week has been pretty busy so far, I have a huge project that is job related (making an exercise video) along with a test in a class. My body is also starting to feel worse since I haven’t been consistent with the ice baths and foam rolling.
Do you think those pause reps have similar benefits as 3x8-12?
Saturday, 7-24-10
Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)
Accel Work: 350
5 x 10yds, 1.56 fastest
5 x 20yds, 2.56, 2.65, 2.63, 2.63
5 x 40yds, 4.59, 4.75, 4.65, 4.75, 4.59
MB Throws:
4 x 2 Hop OHB
4 x x Hop BLF
Jump Circuit: 1 x 10. Pogo, Rocket, Tuck, Line Hops, Donkey, Split, Ski, Squat Freeze
Pause RDL – 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 3 x 10 w/ 225
DB Reverse Lunge – 3 x 8 w/ 45lb DB’s
Russian Lean – 3 x 5
Core stuff afterwards
Felt tight going into today, but I still managed to run more PB’s in my 40’s (even though not by much). Sleep has been kind of off as well lately. Next few weeks will be straight from the GPP graphs 5-7.
Ya I would say so, gets pretty hard to gut out the last couple reps. I’m taking usually about 90-120sec rest imbetween the sets.
How did the meet go?
Sunday, 7-25-10
Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, extra hurdle mobility work, sprint drills)
8 x 100m
Easy recovery day from an intense session the day before.
Week 5, Monday, 7-26-10
6 x 10yds from pushup
6 x 10yds from ground
6 x 20yds from 4pt
4 x flying 20yds, EFE
1 x 50m
MB Throws: 12lb ball
4 x OHB
4 x BLF
4 x Snatch Throw
Jump Circuit - 1 round
Pause Back Squat - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 5 x 5 w/ 275
Reverse Leg Press - 4 x 8
Abs/Core stuff
Too much speed volume. Your gym has a rev leg press, have you ever tried the power runner?
What do you mean too much volume??? It’s what was written down.
Ya, my school’s rec center has one. Just haven’t been using it.
1: I would have done half the starts, 3 of each.
2: I wouldn’t have done flys and efe.
3: Not a big deal but you probably should have done the 50 with 15-20 accel zone.
If you have done the power runner, do you think it’s more quad or post dom?
A few videos from saturday’s workout. They’re all 10’s,
You need to drive out more, you are popping str up.
Dang man, I really want to do those EFE sprints. I feel that my top speed and maxV needs the most work, and my accel is probably fine.
Ya my HS had a power runner, and I thought it was more quad dominant. With my school’s reverse leg press machine, I think it is just a little bit more quad dominant than some reverse leg press machines I’ve tried at other gyms. I feel it most in the glutes, then quads, then hamstrings.
No problem, do what you feel is best. Remember Davan ran fast indoor 55-60’s and he doesn’t have great top speed. Accel is foundation to all speed qualities.
Tuesday, 7-27-10
Warmup (1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)
10 x 110yds, 30sec rest
Pause Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 5 x 5 w/ 175
A1). DB Row - 3 x 10, 60lb DB
A2). Rear Raise - 3 x 10
B1). Tricep Extensions - 6 x 8
B2). BB Curl - 6 x 8
MB Core Throws - 600
Wednesday, 7-28-10
6 x 200m, 6min rest.
Tough one today, but did feel strong during these today. Hamstrings were pretty tired afterwards.
My calves/soleus are destroyed from Wednesday’s workout. I ran in some track waffles, not a good idea.
Right now I’m icing and doing some palpating until I can feel better.