Tuesday, 7-20-10
Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)
10 x 100m, 30sec rest
Pause Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 5 x 5 w/ 180
A1). DB Row - 3 x 10, 55lb DB
A2). DB Rear Raises - 3 x 10, 12.5’s
B1). Tricep Pressdown - 6 x 10
B2). EZ Bar Curl - 6 x 10
MB Core Throws - 600+
Wednesday, 7-21-10
Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)
CSW - 5 x 200m, 5min rest
My week has been pretty busy so far, I have a huge project that is job related (making an exercise video) along with a test in a class. My body is also starting to feel worse since I haven’t been consistent with the ice baths and foam rolling.