Anyone have a side shot of someone in the set position? (with good form)

TMSSF it looks like there is alot of space between the athletes lead leg and the starting line?

It looks like his shoulders are a tad bit behind the line. Maybe moving the blocks up a few inches will fix that. The settings look perfect, so I wouldn’t suggest just having him lean forward more. If he did, he would lose the great angles he has already. Also can the back block lean back any farther? I can’t tell from the picture.

Also his feet are a little high on the block. Are his feet touching the ground. I cant see? Maybe move the blocks slighly foward …thats what i would do… Also im not a fan of adjusting the block petal. I think it should be kept at 45% on the lowest setting. Why have one petal higher then the other this doesnt make sense to me?

Originally posted by Timothy Lane
Also his feet are a little high on the block. Are his feet touching the ground. I cant see? Maybe move the blocks slighly foward …thats what i would do… Also im not a fan of adjusting the block petal. I think it should be kept at 45% on the lowest setting. Why have one petal higher then the other this doesnt make sense to me?

Not only is he tall - his legs are unusually lean and long. When we moved him up, his hip was too high and caused him to “spring up” from the blocks. His block clearance times (using the Brower System) were several hundreds off from this setting. He also complained about being too dependent on the arms during SET.

When he gets to college, I suspect they will improve his strength levels, where eventually these will be adjusted to reflect what you observed.

The balance between models to humans is tough. With any change in power might cause a change in settings. Should this add more reps to ensure mastery? Or will the work by the great HS coaches provide this?

Perhaps someone will host a starting seminar so we can go into the starts and first 10m in super detail.