Any products available that aren't downloads?

My computer is subpar to say the least. I would love to get my hands on GPP and CFTS to start, but need actual DVD’s or hard copy books. Are they available in that form?

Send a request to and Rupert can see what can be done. You can get a DVD of the Taper video from Derek Hansen. (check the taper thread for the link.

I’ll make a batch up for those interested. Just send me a private message of what you’d like and I’ll make arrangements to get what you need.


Send any communications to Rupert please.
(message is confusing)

Thank’s for the reply. I sent Rupert a p.m.

Nap, did you get my p.m.?

C’mon guys, time is of the essence! I’m chompin’ at the bit.

Send it to info as Rupert was out with Nap and is now flying back to Toronto.