Andrea's Training Journal!

Let me tell you a little story and see if anyone can solve the mystery for me.

So yesterday I drank quite a bit of water. Around the usual amount that I drink. I didn’t eat a whole lot, had breakfast in the morning (cereal with milk and a banana) an apple and a kiwi later in the day and then at night (around 9pm) we went out for wings. Started off with a big glass of water and I was feeling pretty hungry by now so I ordered 30 wings for myself (because they have to come in incriments of 10). Did not drink ANY alcohol! Went through 2 big glasses of water, ate ALL the wings, was soooo full afterwards. Anyways, was feeling fine, except for the INTENSE feeling of fullness. Went home and was about to get in bed and felt a LITTLE BIT thirsty but not enough to get back up and get some water. So anyways, wake up at about 3 in the morning after having like 15 dreams of crawling through the desert in search of water. The pasties in my mouth were absolutely ridiculous but I managed to drag myself up the stairs and CHUG a whole litre of water back (apparently my ankle hurts a whole lot more at 3 in the morning than ANY other time of day by the way) and then crawl back to bed. When I woke up in the morning at around 8 it felt like I had the worst hangover imaginable, such a dry mouth and just overall not good. Yaaaa…so anyone got any ideas on what caused this? The excessive amount of wings before bed maybe?

That is exactly how I feel after wing night. No jokes.

Mild case of bird flu caused by the large number of wings consumed.


Have taken a few days off David Lee Pong…next week I’m gonna keep it at 35 reps again. Had physio on Friday. Don’t feel like writing about it. Nothing to exciting. We’re going to see this week whether I still need 2 sessions a week or if I can bump it down to one for now. Had a REALLY GOOD swim on Friday. Acctually did all the stuff that I should be doing when I go swimming. Did lots of laps, got the old heart rate up etc. and spent a lot of time walking around in the shallow end. The ankle is always pretty sore when I first start out but it gets progressively better as I go on.
That’s about all the training news. Except Herb has put me on a strict drinking diet of ONE DAY A MONTH!!! :eek: Used that up on Saturday…it’s going to be a looonnng time til September that’s for sure! haha But it has been confirmed that if you ever go out on crutches, you’ll never have to spend another penny on drinks again. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’ll be my first day back at Boston Pizza tonight. We’ll see how that goes. I’ll basically just be sitting in a chair at the front for 5 hours so it shouldn’t be too tough! lol

Drove out to training today…was pretty excited about it. Definitly not as excited as Herb was though…he stuck around for a good 15 minutes. Even though Bill was totally stoked on me getting back into the gym and working out, coach wasn’t so thrilled about it. So when I asked him what I was allowed to do, the answer was “nothing”. SWEEEEEEEET!
So I did about 12 minutes on the bike to warm up. Then I was bitter and didn’t feel like doing anything else. Forced myself into some bench press
1 X 12 X 45lbs
2 X 12 X 65lbs

Attempted to have an ice bath. Bunch of stupid stuff happened and it didn’t work out as well as I planned…ended up being really cold for the first 5 minutes and got progressively warmer until it was luke warm. So that was a waste of time. Then I just ate some food and didn’t feel like doing abs. But I did them when I got home. 7 exercises for 30 seconds each. Nothing too strenuous or painful. Felt good to get back at it though I guess

I forgive Herb for ditching out on my first training session back…just cause he’s a movie star and I wanna stay in his good books! :stuck_out_tongue:

Physio Appointment #16

Well Bill was really busy today so I spent the first 20 minutes just doing my own thing. Warmed up on the bike then did a whole lot of balancing/prorioreceptive stuff on the wobble boards and crazy ball thingys. Bill came in a bit later and we only did a “short torture session” or so he called it. But he was VERY impressed with my improvement. Said that I’m probably going to almost entirely skip the whole cane stage. He was a bit surprised by my disappointment at that! haha…I’m pretty stoked on struttin a sweet pimp cane and I don’t wanna miss out you know! haha So I’m going to buy one today.
But other than that…have been working a bit lately. It’s going pretty well, got the nice chair set up happening and surprisingly my back hasn’t been an issue at all which is sweet! Will be back to serving as soon as possible!

Went to work tonight…silly managers thought that it would be okay to keep me on for like 2 and a half hours longer than I usually am, and was supposed to be. My back hurt so much for the last hour and a half that I was sooooo close to crying. I even iced it for like 15 minutes and that didn’t even help at all. I can honestly say that it was probably the most my back has hurt since the accident…as much as I wanted to be done work so I could go home, I was seriously doubting whether I would acctually be able to drive myself home or not. I did…I just drove REALLY REALLY fast, there were some definite tears comin down on the way though not gonna lie. Now that I’m lying down all is good though, had to miss out on a sweet pool party but I guess that’s the price ya pay for falling off a big cliff!

Back was pretty sore when I woke up this morning…we floated down a river today in a big tube but I was able to lean back and relax so there was no pain. Did a bit of swimming. Really good day. Had to work again tonight. Was good for the first hour or so and after that it started getting bad again. Talked to the supervisors and they let me go home an hour early…probably would have died otherwise. I’m gonna try and get the day off tommorrow, I need a break, that chair is killin me!

I’ve been slacking like crazy on the whole journal thing. Too tired to update anything major. Still going to physio twice a week. Have started doing abs again lately…probably about 3 days last week and I did a few today as well. Have been feeling much better at work than before. ANNND I CAN OFFICIALLY WALK! I do still have a cane but I can survive around my house and short trips out and about without it!!

Had my first accupuncture session today. Slept through my appointment in the morning and since she is going on vacation I couldn’t make another one until middle of September so I found some other guy in the mean time. It was pretty good, very relaxing. Not sure if I notice any significant differences yet or not. We’ll see what Bill says tommorrow!

Wowwww…it’s been a long time since I updated this. Ahhhh…everything is going well. I see the last time I updated walking was a pretty huge deal so I guess I can’t say that I’m not improving. Ahhh…I am pretty much just a fat lazy blob these days…I have been working too much in the past so I quit one job and am planning on truly getting back to training when I get home (am currently on the East Coast for 2 weeks). But as far as recovery goes, things are coming along. The back no longer bothers me at all but my ankle is a bit of a pain sometimes…it often feels like I’m making no improvements but I’m sure that’s not true…and if it is true it’s entirley my lazy ass fault!
I have a check up with the surgeon a week after I get home and it will be decided then if we’re going to proceed with surgery this month or not! I’m really hoping to get that done and out of the way because the recovery time will be exactly what is needed before I move across the world (going to New Zealand in January).
Meh, that’s all the important stuff I can think of for right now!

So how about letting us all know how your latest surgery went with the removal of the titanium screws and all.

so how are things going?