So things have been going really well. I’m on the fast track to pure healing. I’m no longer wearing any bandages on my right foot and it’s healing up great. The pulled muscles in the front of my foot are still wicked sore but there’s not a whole lot I can do about it cause that’s the only way I can get in and out of my wheelchair.
I’ve been feeling a bit of pain in the left ankle, which is unusual, but it’s only when the painkillers wear off. It just feels like the pressure builds up and the cast is pushing in on it. And I just can’t get it comfortable no matter what position it’s in.
My back has been doing well. I’ve been wearing my brace a lot more and that’s helping. Even if I just wear it for like the first half hour that I’m up it makes such a difference for the rest of the day.
I’ve been sleeping REALLY well, getting at like 12-16 hours a day! I think that this is truly what I needed to happen this summer. I officially have NO stress to speak of. I haven’t been this free of responsibilities since I was like 7 years old. I can’t even remember the last time I could sleep until 2 in the afternoon and not feel like I was wasting ANY time!
Ok I’m lieing…today I lay on my bed. Then I lay on my couch. Then I lay outside in the sun. Then I had a REALLY long nap cause I was SOOO exhausted from all my hard work.
This is the life! lol
Anyways…I decided to attempt to stand up today, to try to lessen the shock of when I have to REALLY try it for the first time. It was hard. Had one hand on the counter and the other on the window sill (wheelchair right behind me so no need to worry Herb! ) and I just pushed up with everything I had, literally, it took EVERYTHING in me to keep myself up. I’d say it was about 85% upper body strength, there’s no way that my right foot could have held me up and I was not in any position to try it!
Did it ever feel amazing though! I tried it again 2 more times after that. It’s hard, and I’m weak…but I can’t believe how good just being upright can feel! :rolleyes:
So that’s about all my news…I’m taking very little medication anymore and I’m not feeling much pain at all!!
This whole week, I’ve been preparing myself for this appointment with my surgeon. I have never had stitches so I was a little nervous to get those out. But I was about 99% mentally prepared to get about 10 stitches out of my right foot. Since my cast had been bivalved (cut open down both sides to relieve swelling) since immediately after the surgery I was also prepared to have the cast removed and replaced with a new one that I would be wearing for the next 8 weeks or so. We were all unsure as to which side they acctually cut open for the surgery. I suspected that it was the inside but it was really hard to say, I didn’t put much thought into what the actual cuts would look like, I was excited to get some pictures of it but wasn’t all that worried. There are much more important things to worry about than insicions on my ankle.
I figured that I wouldn’t be able to use the crutches immediately after getting the stitches out because my right foot would still be tender but I had absolutely convinced myself that by the weekend I would be up and about.
These are the things that I had mentally and emotionally prepared myself for.
And now for the REAL story…
Got Xrays of my ankle as I knew they would but for some reason neglected to Xray my back because they forgot to tick it off on the sheet. Which means another trip back to the Xray clinic and a few more hours spent in the waiting room.
My surgeon remembered me right away…I mean how can you forget a girl that falls of a cliff right! Which was kind of encouraging that he is interested in my case. So anyways, the first thing they do is remove the cast. To our surprise there were acctually incisions on BOTH sides of my ankle. This was shock number one. Just sent some cold shivers down my spine but nothing serious. The ankle was swollen pretty badly and still had some bruising but I’ve seen them looking worse than that before from the times that I’ve rolled them so I wasn’t really affected by it. I figured they would be putting another cast on immediately after taking the other one off but instead Dr. Richardson (surgeon) started moving the ankle around. Now I had been under the impression that I was not going to be moving the thing at all for the next 10 weeks so my first thought was THIS IS GONNA HURT. So I braced myself but surprisingly it didn’t hurt very much at all. Perhaps it was the pain medication and the EXCESSIVE amount of adrenaline I had pumping through my body. My heart was racing as he helped me move my foot up and down.
So now for shock number 2, he informs me that I’m not going to be wearing a cast at all for the next 12 weeks, just a splint, and that I’m going to be able to start physio on it right away and to be moving it around as much as possible. Now I KNOW this is VERY GOOD NEWS. I was completely unprepared to hear it though. I guess the cast becomes kind of a safety blanket and in my mind I had fully prepared to have that blanket for the next 12 weeks of recovery. So to hear that I’m going to be without protection was completely crushing.
So as I’ve been informed before, the foot has a tendency to hang loose and forward when you’re lieing or sitting or whatever and if you let it do that for any extended length of time the tendons will not recover and will become set that way. I know this because for the past 2 weeks I’ve been having to keep my right foot pulled towards me to prevent this. So when he reminded me of that for my broken ankle immediately I tried to pull that one up as well. Except the difference was, I couldn’t do it. Not because it hurt or I was afraid. I was literally putting every bit of strength I had into pulling my foot up and it wouldn’t budge half an inch.
This is where the emotional break down started to happen.
I’ve never experienced anything like this before. The harder I tried the more my heart would race. Physically not being able to move my entire foot, I couldn’t even contain the tears at all. I tried to be strong but this was so overwhelming. I cried and cried. No one could understand why I was crying. They thought I was scared of getting the stitches out or that my ankle hurt…they just couldn’t understand and I couldn’t even begin to explain the fears that I had.
Everyone tried to calm me down saying that my foot has been in a cast for 2 weeks and that it’s obviously going to be stiff but it wasn’t just stiff. Stiff I could have dealt with, it was the fact that I had absolutely no motor control of my entire foot and I could do nothing about it but watch it hang limp. When the surgeon walked past and saw me crying he came in to see what was going on and when he realized what the problem was he told me,
“I’m amazed that you’re even able to move your foot the amount that you are when we help you. Usually it is completely immobile for the first few days…don’t start worrying until I tell you to worry.”
That should have helped…
So the nurse, by command of the surgeon, went ahead preparing to remove the stiches. Now like I said I was almost fully prepared to have 10 stitches taken out. Not gonna lie I’ve been really nervous all week about it. So you can probably imagine the panic that I went into when she told me they would be removing the stiches from my left foot as well and it was going to be about 32 in all. Simply the fact that my ankle was swollen and bruised and had just been in a cast for 2 weeks and was recently operated on, I was hesitant to let anyone even touch the damn thing, so when she came at me with sharp objects and tweezers…I was scared, to say the least. And of course to add to that, even if I wanted to, there’s no way I could escape since I was unable to move my foot. So I just lay there and tried to calm myself down as best I could. I know I sound like such a wimp, I just felt so vulnerable. Not vulnerable like depending on my mom to bring me all my meals and help me into my wheelchair. But vulnerable in a way that no matter how hard I tried or focused it was obvious that I simply couldn’t do it.
Now if you’re wondering why I’m going into so much detail about all this…
I know it sounds more like a diary entry than a training journal but when I went to see my physiotherapist after the appointment he said,
“You need to remember exactly how you’re feeling today, exactly how hard every little thing is for you, because there’s going to be a lot of mornings where you wake up and everything is so difficult and you feel like you’re not making any progress, and then you can look back on today and realize how far you’ve really come. It’s all going to be getting better from here, but you have to understand that it’s not going to be one day you’ll suddenly feel better, it’s going to be a long, gradual road with lots of bumps along the way.”
Of course this sparked ANOTHER emotional break down
Now on with the surprises…I got to see the Xrays for the first time (don’t worry I’ll post them as soon as possible) and realized that the damage to my spine is much different than I imagined, it’s acctually a “Wedge Fracture” I believe that’s what they called it, and the 4 vertebrae are acctually fractured diagonally about a third of the whole thing. Hard to explain but you’ll see in the Xrays.
To add to everything, when I questioned Dr. Richardson about whether I should have the screws removed or not, he said that 2 of them are going to be quite prominent and cause some problems so he recommends getting at least those 2 out. And to my dismay…this will be another 2 MONTH RECOVERY and can ONLY be done after fully healing. Sigh…
So anyways, the advice…as given by surgeons/nurses/physiotherapist…I’ll put in point form cause that’s how it was given to me.
[li]As it stands right now, NO weight bearing for 12 weeks (we’ll be discussing that at the next appointment though, which is in 3 weeks)
[/li][li]Exercise full range of motion of right foot each day with physio on it as soon as possible
[/li][li]Work on any range of motion that I can manage on the left foot
[/li][li]LOTS of Vitamin D, Calcium and protein
[/li][li]Swimming is allowed as soon as the wounds are healed up (approximately 3 weeks)
[/li][li]Try as many positions as possible, but listen to the pain indicator for my back
[/li][li]Massage ONLY from a HIGHLY experienced massage therapist
[/li][li]No real showers (ie. getting feet wet) for a few days at least
Now for the final dissapointment of the whole extravaganza. For the last 2 weeks I’ve been picturing in my head how I’m going to be using crutches. I’ve been constantly visualizing it and running it through in my mind. Practicing standing up and getting my foot used to bearing weight. I thought for sure I would be able to make it in the house all on my own after this car ride. Just to add another failure to today, try as I might, I was completely unable to get out of the car and onto the crutches. I simply couldn’t balance my weight, and repeatedly fell backwards onto the car (mom grabbing onto me of course). My brain couldn’t even understand why I couldn’t do such a simple task that I’ve been so prepared for. Finally in desperation and after one final fall straight back into the car seat I had to give up and submit to the wheelchair once again.
I know that I’m putting way too much pressure on myself and this is the reason for all the disappointments today. And in order for me to make it through these next months I have to re-evaluate my outlook on all of this. It’s going to be a long road to recovery and I have to stop looking for shortcuts.
I feel I should add this more positive note after that long depressing post…
I’m convinced that there is nothing that I could have done in 3 months in Europe that would have felt as good as it did to get out of my basement and lean back in the car with my head out the window and feel the fresh air rush past me as we drove by the lake.
Well thankfully my mood has been improving since that last doctor’s visit. Although I still have some emotional surges every now and then, I’m more or less able to control the crying… :o
So after a few hours I was able to work up the courage to start taking off the splint. I got the first tensor off fine and then just before reaching the end of the second roll I froze, freaked out, cried a bit…the usual right ! haha I think it’s just still scaring me quite a bit that I know that my ankle is so badly broken, and it’s NOT in a cast. I KNOW that it’s a good thing for my recovery, it’ll just take me a little while to convince myself of that. I mean I’m sure if I needed a cast the doctor would have me in a cast.
So once I got through the freaking out Herb helped me get the rest of the splint off. I was still unable to move it at all, except rather than being stuck hanging loose it was now stuck straight up. It took a while, a lot of hard work, a fair bit of crying and some encouraging words but eventually I got it moving. Not very far or fast or anything, but the simple fact that I was moving my foot by will was good enough for me. Such a relief. Everything was downhilll from there.
Did that a few more times and iced it for a bit. The cold kind of put the whole thing into shock but I’ll probably get used to it as time goes on.
As far as exercises go, I spose I should keep track of them from now on, it may provide a bit more motivation for doing them.
3 X 12 - Leg lifts (no weight added)
10 X 10lb - Bicep Curls and forward arm extensions
Lots of moving around my right ankle and about 3 sessions with my left ankle.
Woke up in the middle of the night to excrutiating pain in my left heel. Paniced and called my mom so she came down with pain medication and we took the splint off and put some ice on it. That helped a lot, I think it was just overly swollen or something and the pressure was building up. Or maybe I did something to it in my sleep, not sure. Hope it doesn’t happen again though!
That’s all the news for now!
Not even a single mention of all the emotional support that you get from your coach.
He may have slept through my first panic attack, but aside from that Herb has been walking me through every step of this. He’s by far my most frequent visitor and without the unbelievable amount of support I get from him I’d be completely lost.
Although he may not be the best coach for learning to get up on crutches, since he’s old and his heart stops everytime I fall down, he’s the best coach for caring about his athletes and supporting them, even through their stupid and highly unnecessary injuries. Although he did once say, “If you ever have a stupid accident like this again…you’re dead to me.”
Thank you Herb!
I’ve really been slacking on updating this. I guess I just don’t do a whole lot that’s of any interest! Not by choice of course! :rolleyes:
Basically I’m restricted to a very limited amount of APPLE PIE WORKOUTS … so here’s what I’ve been doing the last couple of days…
Saturday (Extra motivated! )
3 X (12 X 10lbs) - Curls, forward arm extensions, lateral arm extensions, tricep extensions
3 X 12 (no weight added) - Forward leg raises
Also did some isometrics for my arms…I’m not a big fan of that though…it bores me
Well after such a strenuous workout on Saturday…I figured I deserved my usual day off! haha I’m such a slacker.
Of course I still iced my ankles and back though. And continued to work on my left ankle, stretching it forwards and backwards, then resting and doing it some more.
LOTS of icing today…really slacked on the exercises though…probably did about 15 leg lifts and that was about it…sheeesh!
As far as the left ankle goes…I’ve got about 2 inches worth of forward/backward movement so far! Which is a HUGE imrpovement!
So far this morning I’ve been icing and stretching my ankle…I’ve got my first physio appointment with Bill at 2 so I’ll be updating again after that!
And I PROMISE to get the pictures of the Xrays up REALLY soon!!
That’s all for now!
So I just had my first physio session. It went pretty well. Not nearly as painful as I was anticipating!
Before the appointment I decided to remove ALL of my bandages from both feet. It was a little nerve racking (and I really understand now why guys HATE getting their ankles taped…after almost 3 weeks in a cast if you know what I mean :rolleyes: ) The incisions are healing up really well. The whole front of my left foot is pretty much numb still so they didn’t hurt. And I even managed to have a CONTRAST SHOWER today! My first one in over a month! It felt great. I only really did my feet and back. I don’t think my whole body could take it sitting down!
So anyways…the appointment…where to start…first of all thank you to Herb for driving all the way in from Kelowna just to take me to the appointment!
Bill didn’t want to get into too much with the left ankle today, is afraid to mess up the healing process of the bones cause they’re still really tender at this stage. However we did do a little bit of movement with it, mostly forward and backwards, the side to side stuff didn’t hurt much at all.
He did a little bit of manipulation with my right ankle, it’s still pretty tight from the last time I rolled it. He wants me getting up a lot more, I have been nervous about the gash busting open and am afraid to put the whole foot down, but he said aside from the tenderness it looks like it’s healed well enough to support me. So when I got home I practiced the crutches a little bit more…it went a lot better than last time…I am still REALLY unbalanced though so getting more than a step away from my bed is a danger zone at the moment!
He didn’t mess around at all with the back today, but he gave me the go ahead to start doing some back extensions. So I did when I got home and surprisingly they felt GREAT. (3 X 12) He told me that for the next few months while my back is healing I’m going to be having the tendency to crouch forward, which I’ve noticed ever since, so I guess there’s not a whole lot I can do about that besides wear my brace and keep focusing on straightening out. I don’t wanna grow a hump! :eek:
The only other thing we really did besides a lot of talking, looking at Xrays etc. He helped my stretch out my left IT band, it’s been tightening up from sitting around so much. Although I have been doing a few exercises to keep it moving…it’s hard to stretch without agrivating my back. He did a really good job though.
Until my next appointment, which is a week from now I just gotta keep doing what I’m doing…get up on the crutches and start walking though!
The challenge is on!
Apple Pie…
3 X 12 X 10lbs - Curls, Tricep Extensions, and SHOULDER RAISES (apparently these AREN’T called front arm extensions or anything like that)
Awwww. Thank-you. You can never compliment or thank me enough. I am one of those needy coaches.
I’m feeling really encouraged right now!
Today didn’t start off all that great, apparently we did a lot more at physio yesterday than my selective memory informed me of so my ankle and calf were wickedly sore and swollen this morning when I first took my cast off. I pushed through it and worked on the range of motion a bit but it was even smaller than usual (about 1.5" - forward and backward) which was pretty frustrating to start the day off. So I did a few sessions of icing and just kept working away at the movements. So then a couple hours later I was lying out in the sun and kept spraying it with the hose off and on (haha…my makeshift way of icing! ) and then after letting it warm back up in the sun…I go to work on the motion and BAM…I can move it a good 3 INCHES.
It’s amazing how relative this all is…how you can go from being pumped about breaking a PB in power cleans one day…to being enthusiastic about even being able to move your ankle the next. Either way…I’m proud of my body!
Alrighty…so with a little computer assistance I’ve finally gotten around to getting these pictures up!
We’ll start off with the surface woounds…here’s the gash on my right heel…pretty gross…and very fuzzy…but you can imagine that my mom was a little shakey while we were chilling in the emergency room waiting for surgery :rolleyes:
The same gash after stitches and just under 2 weeks of healing
This is the day I got my cast off. Exactly 2 weeks after the accident. Yes, for some reason my mom and I decided it was a good idea to take some pictures during my emotional break down! haha
And nowwww for the good stuff!
Here’s the fractured vertebrae (the ones with the arrows)
The CT Scan of my ankles. This is my favourite cause you can see the difference between the two so clearly. The one on the right is acctually my left and broken ankle. So it SHOULD look like the left hand side!
Post-surgery X-Rays…5 TITANIUM SCREWS
Dr. Richardson did an absolutely AMAZING job. He predicts that the two screws that sort of go in sideways are going to cause me some grief and I’ll probably need to get those ones removed.
I couldn’t fit these in the last post. But they made 3D reconstructions of my ankle using the X-Rays…technology is amazing. But you’ll have to figure out for yourself what’s going on here cause I still can’t understand it!
They look sweet though!
Pretty cool stuff…hope this puts the curiousity at ease!
Pretty intense pictures…
I’ve been hearing pretty often that the next few months are going to be very up and down emotionally. Until yesterday I didn’t believe it! I think it was mostly hormones but I had zero motivation to do anything yesterday. I managed to force myself into some back extensions (3 X 12) and besides that I iced my ankle a few times and did a LITTLE bit of movement with it, much less than normal though.
I feel much better today though. I’ve already done the back extensions (3 X 12) and I’m working on my ankle at the moment. I’ll update later with the rest of my progress.
I’m having huge improvements in my mobility. I’m officially up on crutches, and can get up and down the stairs and in and out of the house on my own.
There’s still a fair bit of pain in my right heel so I’m putting a lot of strain on the front half of my foot but it’s well worth the pain to be able to get around the house!
I’ve been slacking lately with my exercises. I have been doing my back extenions pretty regularly just cause they feel so good. But other than that I haven’t been doing much apple pie or leg lifts or anything. I have been up and about a lot in the last few days though so I figure my legs well at least my right leg is getting lots of work.
I’m taking today off from hopping around and using the crutches. Had a REALLY LONG DAY yesterday (went all the way to Kelowna (half hour drive) and spent most the day there sitting up and moving around) and this morning everything was crazy sore. I sneezed early in the morning and it destroyed my back to the point I couldn’t move ANYTHING for about 5 minutes. So today I’m going to be lying down, very little sitting and NO walking if possible. My right foot is so stressed out and gets more painful by the day to put weight on. So I’ll give it a rest today and I have physio tommorrow!
Last night I watched “Hoosiers” and “Glory Road” I was so motivated afterwards, I just wanted to PLAY!!! But it was late so I went to bed instead! Some of that motivation has carried over to today though, I just haven’t put it to any use yet! I am currently working on my ankle mobility, it’s sore cause I worked it hard yesterday.
Sooooo…to sum up this journaly entry…I’m sore!
I really underestimated just how stressed my right foot is. I tried to go upstairs and get some food and when I got about 2 steps up I couldn’t even take it, I had to crawl. Then I tried the crutches at the top of the stairs and it was so dangerous cause my foot could barely support ANY weight at all, I had to give up and slide back down the stairs on my butt! I’m not gonna try that anymore today. My back is still throbbing…but I refuse to take any painkillers…I’ve been clean for almost 2 weeks now!
I forgot to record yesterday (Sunday June 11, 2006) as the date of my first fall on my crutches!
I was coming into the house and decided not to take my back brace off and just give er (knowing full well that I can’t use my crutches and the brace at the same time). I made it from the car to the front door and then I soon as I got inside, I started heading for the ground. Automatic reaction was to put my left foot down which I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO DO, as soon as I saw it touched the ground I knew I was in trouble so I just pulled it out from under me and knew I had to take it like a man! Then of course Herb, as expected by his avatar, came out of no where and caught me in mid air before I hit the ground! Thankfully, no damage was done, except for the well deserved scolding I recieved afterwards “You’re such a moron…MORON” :rolleyes:
This is a game I like to play…it’s called…“How Many Times Can You Make Herb’s Heart Stop in A Day?”
So far I’m winning with a score of 1 for 1!
Also…Congratulations Herb on being accepted into the Education Program!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Its funny now, since nothing bad happened. Herb your a ninja.
Physio appointment #2
Started by playing around with my back a little for the first time. As soon as he lifted up my shirt he could see it right away, supposedly the right side of my spine has a big lump where the muscles have spasmed which isn’t happening on the left. He showed it to my mom and let her feel it and even she noticed the difference right away!
Did some traction on it. This doesn’t hurt at all so when I asked him if it was acctually doing anything he put my thumb in between 2 of the vertebrae he was working on and my reaction was… :eek: ! haha…I could feel the vertebrae moving apart, it felt really cool and acctually pretty relieving.
Next he started working with my right foot, which is still pretty sore today. Apparently the pain I’m feeling in that foot is a lot more serious than I expected. He said if I keep moving on it the way that I am and favouring the front half of my foot it’s going to cause me SERIOUS problems down the road because it’ll start putting everything out of place from my hip down. So his suggestion is to cut a donut hole out of my flip flop where the gash is so there will be no pressure point and I’ll be able to put my weight down with no pain.
Then we moved on to the left foot. He did a lot of motion with the actual foot, not affecting the ankle at all. I noticed a HUGE problem in one of the joints below my big toe so he worked with that a lot. It was pretty painful, the pain felt like the joint just needed to be popped or cracked or something but it never happened. He said I need to be doing as many possible movements with my feet and ankles as I can. Even though my muscles won’t be able to control most of them I have to do it with my hands! He didn’t do much with my acctual ankle, compared it to the other and actual laughed and said “Wow you’ve lost a lot on that one”…I’m pretty sure he was talking about my calf muscles!
He brought in the wobble board for me and I had to sit on the edge of the table with both feet on it and move it around in circles and then with each individual foot. It was also pretty painful but he said that’s good cause if it wasn’t then I wasn’t doing anything.
I also mentioned that the front of my left foot has been super sensitive. This sparked about a 10 minute explanation and he said it was really important that I brought this up. I’m not even gonna try and remember the name of the condition (don’t wanna risk messing it up and having embarassing pictures posted on here like Smarrs! ) but it often happens after major traumas like this. What has happened is the touch receptors in my skin are getting mixed signals. The way that he described it is “You’re nerves are sending the wrong information to you’re brain about the stimulus that you’ve recieved. So even though the stimulus is your finger lightly passing over the skin, you’re brain may be recieving the message of knives cutting you.” I couldn’t have explained it any better myself. The pain isn’t as bad as knives cutting me or anything but everything certainly hurts MUCH more than it should.
The problem with this is that if I don’t start addressing it now it will eventually progress into a much more severe case (again can’t remember the name or acronyms) but basically it gets really nasty, your skin changes all sorts of colours and your touch receptors may be permanently messed up and sending the wrong signals. He said I need to start working on this right away, basically I need to retrain all of the nerves in my foot to respond in the right way to the stimulus. In order to do this I just need to be creative and continually touching the area with lots of different objects and textures. It will be really uncomfortable and weird but shouldn’t be painful.
And the last things that I asked him, I am allowed to start contrasting hot and cold on my ankle. And I also asked him about this product a friend recommended to me “Arnica Gel”, it’s supposed to help with pain, swelling and bruises. He said he didn’t know enough about it to have an opinion of it either way but he said it wasn’t gonna make things anything worse so I could try it. So we’ll see how that goes.
Wow…long physio appointment!
Annnnd to make everything better, went over to Safeway after physio and it had just started raining so when I got inside I put my right crutch right in some water on the floor and it slipped out from under me and before I couldn’t even think my left foot hit the ground. Luckily I took most of the blow to the pad of my foot and the tip of my cast but I was too shocked to even move for a good few minutes since I did jar up my ankle a bit and the pain just went shooting right through me.
This would have been a wasted fall though without Herb around to have convulsions over it.
So even though he wasn’t there to witness my near fall in the supermarket, my wonderful coach was caring enough to phone me and let me know what a MORON I am!
Yesterday I spent the whole day working on the movement in my ankle, focusing a lot on circular movements. There isn’t much ROM yet but I could notice the improvements just at the end of the day. I also spent a fair bit of time “tickling” my foot where the hypersensitivity thing is bothering me. It’s probably the most annoying thing that I have to do, just cause it feels so stupid, it acctually makes me wanna vomit. :mad: I haven’t noticed any improvements with that yet, I’m not sure how long it’s sposed to take.
David Lee Pong Workout
-Still in bed :eek:
-2 minutes break in //
Hahaha…that’s the limit of my core workouts. And it’s MORE than enough!