Analyze My Weaknesses - Video

It can mean a couple of things.

  1. You are recruiting your glutes more so than your hams.
  2. Your biceps femoris is stronger than your semitendinous and semimembraneous.
  3. You have hip tightness problems.
  4. You’re trying too hard when you run.

It can be one, all, or a combination of the things above. Knowing what your training has looked like, it might be all four, but I’m not sure.

Any of those things sound right, Silencer?

Or you just don’t run enough. Getting used to running fast takes time, years in fact. Running the fastest you can go without trying too hard takes much practise…

It is likely that your feet turn out because of an imbalance in the hips/lower back, most likely tightness in your glutes. Like I mentioned before, one aspect has impacts on another and overall it is a combination of a few things.

Keep training and getting treatment, repeat this over and over! You will get faster! Your only limitation is lack of running and the only answer to this problem is move to a better climate…say the Bahamas.

Thanks kentcounty, I’ll keep running as much as possible.

And the Bahamas, now there’s an idea. Winter there would beat Alaska by a long shot.

hehe you know, im moving to the states soon for college, probably Hunter in Manhattan, but my brother used to live there and he told me the weather sucks, and that i should find a place in florida or something.

Whats the most sprinter friendly city in the us ?

btw im just reading Stretch To Win, theres a whole section about self evaluation of your flexibitiliy, joints, trigger points etc and then tells you how to fix them, after reading this you start to really understand how much tweaking you can do to improve your sprint time …
It discusses all the problems written in this thread and displays these things as minor flexibility issues that can be fixed in no time.


There’s not, come to Australia! :smiley:

and it would be hard to beat where the CF seminar was held on the Gold Coast Runaway Bay Sports Super Centre …drool!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Southern California is pretty damn nice almost year round! Ask Mister C!

worst city for a sprinter is vancouver oh man, let alone north vancouver, double oh man.

Gold Coast in winter and Melbourne in summer…

that’s practical :rolleyes: … :stuck_out_tongue: