As was stated in a thread a while back, by Pierrejean, he worked with Fasuba on what he called rythm, which as well as I could understand, meant to him, a relationship between stride length and stride frequency, which would give him a time for each 10 meter interval, and therefore, give him an analytical tool (we should all remember that PJ is famous for his excellent statistical analyses of many races and WR’s).
I decided to start this thread, so that we might discuss this subject, and throw up my stats, and ask anyone else to throw theirs or the stats that they have, we analyse and suggest possible means for improving the runners training and their subsequent results.
Therefore the time to run each 10 mt segment was:
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
From my analysis my 20-30 mt segment was my worst, and therefore I should work on distances from 20-30 mts and start to work up from there, working on max str. and accel. Maybe hills (however I am a little hesitant considering the last time I did hills, I ended up with enthesitis in my right hamstring which still hasn’t fully cleared up).
Any one else have anything to add, suggest or discuss??
Actually they were rechecked, apparently I slow down as I “stand up” suddenly, which is also a tool to help, this means I have to “transition” more fluidly.
there might be a problem with checking marks on the ground then. 1.75 for 10m doesn’t exist, 1.01 for 10-20m segement were found for guys likes Greene or Surin, then it doesn’t make sense to go 1.34 and 0.91, 0.91 at this point of the race has never been achieved by a woman. Then 1.16 and 1.13 for the 2 last 10m segments look like ok except that your final time is 7.30, thus implying that these 2 segments should be at least a tenth faster.
thas what i was thinking looking at the .91 split noway you ran that, or your 60m time would be alot faster then 7.30. I would think it would be far to noticeable to decrease and then reaccelarate like that so fast, especially with your strength levels this wouldnt be a problem. Even so try to get splits in a single race, how you do it i dont know. If you can get 6 people to time you on each segmant that would be amazing but i dont think it would be easy to find 6 people willing to time you and have stopwatches handy on their hands.
well you might find it funny but that’s exactly how we did it in the first place, one person timing at each 10mt interval.
But I’m working on getting the photosensors on loan.
Thanks all for the comments, now to take it to the theoretical level.
Do any of you think, that this sort of a rhythmic approach to training is useful, as in having an objective measurable way of analyzing and defining how training is progressing in a short to long training plan. It would be logical to se how as a sprinter improves his speed, each segments time would improve, and we would basically see, and be able to utilize the information, seeing how far his speed “envelope” is growing.