analyse this

And here is Asafa in his “lift” phase, still so relaxed, unemotional, no tightness, hands moving toward the centre, just letting it roll . . .

Torque-the-torque: the frontside thigh is almost up to parallel (with the track) and the lower leg is still pretty much tucked, with the free foot at or above the knee of the support leg as it (the free foot) crosses in the downswing. Lotta torque, lotta power being generated . . .

These are awsome pictures! With Asafa he always seems to close his arms (hand towards shoulder) at full extension forward (small angle between forearm and bicep). This seems more familiar in 400m runners than 100/200 (didn’t MJ do this?). Its more like he is jogging rather than sprinting - which i guess is part of his exceptional relaxation.

in the initial picture of MS he seems to be rocking and rolling big-time.the athlete (188) beside him looks great.i think matt is focussing too much on power and i am still suprised he is doing so at his knowledge/level and also his time spent with tom tellez—TT certainly did address his form and corrected it…so the question still remains…why is he still sprinting with this linford christie rubbing off him?

AP is really looking great and technically hes improving but who is actually pushing him…will he be as natural when up against JG??

KK they are awsome photos…have you any more as they are great

how relaxed does Asafa look here! Well least we know he can run a good bend on a straight :rolleyes:


WELCOME BACK MARION, this shot from Veracruz, Mexico

definately looking ripped there isn’t she! compared to last season. [IMG]’,%20’’,%20’width=640,height=500,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no’);[IMG]

Do we have any before pictures? Was she always this shredded?

WOW marion is looking very lean.i never seen in this kind of shape!!

how did she get on

She looks great - I’m really glad she seems to be back - after all the foolish talk going on about her the last years.
After all it simply takes more than one season to come back from childbirth. That simpe fact was never taken into account seriously by some dumb journalists.

Here is that image

AUT 21 your spot on, having coached 2 sprinters through and post childbirth I know it takes a couple of years to get back to your best.

Spearmon, Wariner adidas track classic, Carson City, May 2006

The most interesting part of that pic is Martin…where the hell is he going from there? :confused: Very different from Wariner in particular who looks cool and unpressured.

Anyone Doubt that this lady would be successful if she sprinted like this Today?

It is BETTY CUTHBERT winner of the sprint double at the 1956 Olympic Games and winner of the 400m at the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games. This is the only athlete - male or female - ever to have won all three Olympic sprint titles! Hell of an achievement no matter the era. Sadly, today she is confined to a wheelchair suffering Multiple Sclerosis. How ironic a fate to endure for someone who could once run like the wind.

When the head goes over, it also goes slightly back, throwing the torso back. Whatever you do, don’t look! (Couple of hundredths there!)