An outline Lactate Threshold Training -

Please if this thread is removed please give me a message WHY.

Just want to share some info that has been found in the forum and took ages to structure.

If it’s not appreciated let me know.

I just hope KK and CF dont mind me trying to make things readable.

So to start again.
I have a summary of the 400M thread with content from KK CF and other to create sample plan and theory about that event.

It’s now being read by some users and i hope to get some comment.

And maybe even rupert can use for the shop (maybe).

Let me hear if there is any interest in further developement for this project for this community. If not I So be it.

To get an idea about the summary I bumped the
" The way of the “400” Thanks to KK " topic

Summary is a bit larger.


It was removed because it violates our site usage policy-the material here on OUR WEBSITE is OUR PROPERTY. It is not to be copied, re-manufactured/published or distributed in ANYWAY without our expressed consent.

I hope this makes sense.