Amos's training

recovery day today easy pace
27.1 km/h avg
32.7 kms
1h 20 min
124 avg hr
150 max hr

yesterday was a long 12 hr drive back from nationals todays ride was to keep moving. Right quad feels tight and abductors hurt when i walk. Tomorrow is another drive to New Jersey and some racing possibly, definately a criterium on Monday 100kms. Trying to recover from the previos races on Wed and Thur.

Sunday bound brook criterium
result: 11th
Avg speed 44.1 km/h
max speed 58 km/h
The day started with a 3.5 hr drive to the race. Lunch was two peanut butter and jelly sanwhiches on the way milk and before the race was half of a roast beef grinder (cheese lettuce tomato.) Race course was 4 corners with a long finish straight. The race stayed together with a field sprint and I was a little too far back and had to pass on the outside. Didn’t have enough jump to just pass a bunch at once. Post race get prize money and get to hotel at 8 p.m. Shower and have dinner at the hotel. Pasta with grilled chicken and salad some bread. 10 p.m. sleep.
Monday Tour of somerville Big event lots of money $1225 two winner paying back to 35th place which was 100$
Result: 50-60th
Avg speed: 43.5 km/h (wet course so slow in the corners)
Max speed: 58 km/h + had a front wheel change so no actual final sprint speed just a max from the middle of the race.
Woke up at 6:30 had breakfast at 7:30
breakfast buffet. Eggs orange juice some kind of crepes. Pre race a half of a roasted chicken grinder from subway a serving of yougurt and two scoops of heavy weight gainer from champion nutrition. During the race two 500ml bottles with a total of three scoops of accelerade. Energy levels for the race were good but lacked the speed for the multiple acceleration in the last 8 laps so poor position at the end. Sprinted at the finish but it was weak since I only passed a few people.
Race distance 80 kms.
Any tips for eating on the road ect would be good

New england criterium championships
result: 2nd
Avg hr:163
Hr max:185
Avg speed:40.9 km/h
max speed:54.1 km/h
conditions: 14C windy(headwind sprint)
wet standing water on the course.
course:entirely flat with a straight 250 meter wide finish. 41kms long
The finish: Spent the last 15 laps (1.4kms a lap) in a five rider break containing a strong sprinter. The sprint took place from a low starting speed maybe 35-40km/h then maxed at 54 km/h dropping off over the last 50 meters since I was getting tired. I was passed maybe 10meters out and lost by maybe 10cm.
Thoughts: I was collapsing down into my pedals. I think that triple extension applies to cycling as well since effectivly hip height decreases and makes it more difficult to pedal. I lacked the speed endurance to sprint the whole distance. I made a tactical error since I was getting tired and scared the guy was coming around since I couldn’t see lost momentum when I did that.

At this point I have only included shorter sprints into my routine would I need to ad speed endurance or some form of tempo to my training? Amos

Ride distance 98.5 kms
avg speed: 30.5 km/h
terrain moderatly hilly
The plan ride tempo pace on hills as they come
Subjectively went well stayed within myself and rode all the way. Also a little ab work today in the a.m.
Ordered boitest surge,power drive and zma today. See how they help.

Motor pacing today
Consisted of following the moped at around 40-42 km/h riding next to it or ahead of sometimes behind it at the same speed. Hard to relate this to sprinting but basically this is a easy way to simulate race speeds without as much mental fatigue.
Intervals were 3x3 min 2x 2 min 1x 1min
Tired by the end. 1.5 scoops of surge (I weigh 133 pounds) after ride stretches and then home shower and dinner.
Surge has a o.k. taste but not exactly my favorite.

A.M. weight workout 7:30 a.m. easy maintainence weights except bench press got up to 125 almost my body weight. Basically followed the advice posted by Pioneer.
6:30 p.m. Sprints 3x50m with 4 min rest between and then 3x120 meters with 7 min rest between. Took power drive before workout. 53.4 km/h max speed max rpms 135 felt good overall.

Distance:130 kms
avg hr:150bpm
max hr:186bpm
Course: 42 km loop 3x then a final climb of 1 mile
result: 20th pro/1/2
finish: This did not go well cramped badly and just rode to the top. Heart rate dropped the whole way with the reduced effort. Probably not enough water for this event drank 4 bottles which is about 2250 ml.
Nutrition: Ate a bowl of rasin bran 3.5 hrs before. Ate pancakes with blueberries and strawberries and orange juice syrup 2.5 hrs before Drank power drive 1 hr before the race. During the race two scoops heavy weight gainer 32 oz. of gatorade plus plain water. Any ideas on preventing cramps? Anyone?

Thursday 7.8 mile time trial 18:07 a good time for me but far from the leaders. Took power drive before also did my warm-up inside since it was 95 and sunny. Contrast shower after the race and dinner then bed.

Friday 62 mile circut race basically a 1 min effort up a climb followed by a few minutes hard then coasting for a couple of more min to the base of the climb repeat 20 times. Felt good for the sprint but someone crashed out in front of me.
Contrast shower directly after the race then some food at a local place. Slept well.

Saturday 104 mile road race hilly 11 mile loop with a final climb of 1.2 miles. Made it to the bottom with the field and was cramping badly and rode steady to the finish. Ate at cookout provided by a local church. Grilled chicken, pasta,waster. Took sport legs before the race…a calcium /magnesium pills …To to hrlp recovery after sports…Maybe helped hold off the cramping until the end…at least the girls giving it out were hot and said it really helped them.

Sunday 50 mile criterium.
Felt good but timed final sprint on the wrong lap and blew it:sing: Quick contrast shower at the local fire station and dinner at Great Impasta…good salmon and pasta. Another hot day today so not a lot of food before the race. Power drive before the race and a big ring recovery shake made from shaklee (for after since they are cold) powder not sure which one though. Drove back home

7/12/03 Cox charities crit
Overall a very hard race near home so I rode hard. Missed the break and spent the rest of the race trying to get back into the race didn’t happen.
The numbers:50 miles 2hrs 4 min. avg hr 164 placing 30th? sometimes we don’t know until later.

Overall felt strong(ability to make repeated efforts) but a tactically negative race. Did win a prime for free entry into the next days race.

7/13/03 Attleboro crit 2nd!
Overall raced very hard more succesfully today. Left the others behind except one. He was weaker and wanted to deal for the win but I didn’t want it that way. So he held back to save it for the sprint. He beat me but I didn’t want to win it on a deal no big pump that way.

Avg hr 159 max 189
race time 1:18
race distance 35 mile
avg speed 26.9 mph

Originally posted by amos
[b]7/12/03 Cox charities crit
Overall a very hard race near home so I rode hard. Missed the break and spent the rest of the race trying to get back into the race didn’t happen.
The numbers:50 miles 2hrs 4 min. avg hr 164 placing 30th? sometimes we don’t know until later.

Overall felt strong(ability to make repeated efforts) but a tactically negative race. Did win a prime for free entry into the next days race.

7/13/03 Attleboro crit 2nd!
Overall raced very hard more succesfully today. Left the others behind except one. He was weaker and wanted to deal for the win but I didn’t want it that way. So he held back to save it for the sprint. He beat me but I didn’t want to win it on a deal no big pump that way.

Avg hr 159 max 189
race time 1:18
race distance 35 mile
avg speed 26.9 mph [/b]

Congrats on your placing, very interesting journal! Re : cramping, indeed Mg supplements are going to help. Are you streching well?

Aln I am pretty flexable for a cyclist but not so compared to other athletes. My quads are very flexable but tight hamstrings and calf muscles. Though I seem to get cramps in my quads usually are the muscles that cramp during the race also if I do a lot of climbing it is the adductors that cramp.

7/28/03 Tour of the hill towns
Result 3rd:)
Race length: 90 kms
Time 2hrs 17min
Avg speed: 39.2 kmh
Max speed:85.9 kmh
Avg heart rate 158
Max heart rate:189
Course description: First 35 kms or so mostly downhill. 4km climb followed by more downhill to rolling terrain. Last 20 kms flat to a long gradual climb. Finish slightly uphill with a tailwind.

My race: Sarted off with a break away after about 15 kms that stayed away for the first big climb and was caught by a few guys that could climb. Didn’t workout as a break not the right combo so eventually we were caught by the field. The final climb was good but someone made ajump with about 600meters to go that couldn’t be caught so it was a sprint for second by a group of maybe 20 and I got second in the group.

Post race: I already had a two scoop serving of surge ready and also some heavy weight gainer that I drank directly after the race. I rode back another 30 kms which was made easy by a tailwind and a lot of downhill.

this weeks training
Monday easy ride after work out to see local tt .Felt good but a little knee pain and tired.

Tuesday easy to work and back maybe 20 min each way. Totally blown out today seem to be more tired on the second day after the races.

Wednesday sprint workout. @ short seated sprints 4 longer ones. Short ones 100% long one trieds to do 95% but hard to tell. Felt like I was dragging a anchor around.

Thursday A.M. strength maintenance snatches, clean and jerks, front squats, hamstring curls, sldl, bench press,push press.
P.M. first attempt at tempo work. Went well but times were close to yesterdays sprints ? Maybe better wind? Seemed to hold a medium speed the whole way.

Friday easy ride to work. After work drove to New Jersey for a race . Got in to hotel at 11p.m. Ate take out from apple bee’s and went to sleep.

Saturday Mt. Holly invitational. 7th!!! best result ever.
100 mile road race. avg speed 44 kmh. Came down to a small break of maybe 10 or so. Felt good tried a little break on a small hill but was caught. Came down to sprint for like fourth and beat half the guys to get 7th.

Sunday 40 km time trial. Time 59:21 felt good used no aero equipment so not a bad time. A rolling course. 1st in the cannible cup competition.

This week so far 8/4-8/8/03
MONDAY EASY 1 HR RIDE AFTER WORK. Felt o.k. but nothing to hard .
Tuesday very easy took long way home easy maybe 30 min.

Wednesday sprints after work. Three short one maybe 50 meters and 2 longer maybe 200 meters at 90% felt good for short one’s but tired at the longer distance so I stopped.

Thursday went to the gyn this morning and felt better then last night so worked out a little harder. P.M. tempo felt good doing this. Times were all around 28-29 sec did 8 reps of maybe 350 meters.

So far this year I have done well at the races . The following is a list of what I have changed based on what I have read here.
Tempo workouts- I use these sparingly but have never done them before.
Sprints at LESS then 100% (mostly in the past I held back on short ones and went to the max on all of my longer ones)

Increased rest between sprints .

Continued lifting year round’

These have added up to a good run of results at the races. Thanks everyone!

right now I am on break. Resting for next season. What would you do during this time, continue training some elements, rest completly?

Break time over.

Post your inseam and pedal settings…I have a good idea on your back problem.

leg length 81 cm foot length 26cm left leg has a functional length difference it is shorter with weight on it. Left cleat is shimmed about 3mm and moved slightly more forward on the shoe to compensate for the leg length difference. Also the left foot points in and the right one is bacically straight ahead. left cleat is two mm ahead of the right one. I have custom full length orthotics. All the cleat and orthotics were made by bill peterson at foot fitness,fit guru to the stars. Any ideas clemson?

In the Text High Performance Cycling, Dr. Brown suggests that it is best to adjust the saddle height and angle. Move the nose down 10 degrees from horizontal and adjust height to fit the longer leg. Use lower gears on long climbs…