Amos's training

Lifting at the gym this morning.
hp snatch 55 2x5
hp clean 75x5 80x5
clean deadlift 100 3x3
push press 65 3x5
front squat 100 2x5
95 3x5
bench press 65x10 75x8 90x6
Rode to work after with some fast steady riding. 15 min total

hp snatch 55x5,60x5
hp clean 80x5x2
clean dead lift 105x3x2, 110x3
push press 70x5,75x5
front squat 105x5, 115x5
bench press 65x10 80x8,95x6
Rode to work after, felt weak after the last set of front squats. Overall went well tried to lift a little more on some. Accumulation phase I think.

long ride today but easy. Rode with a person for some and alone for the end. Total 3hrs.
123 bpm avg
177 max( started to rain out so I was riding hard to get home before I got cold.
Left leg was cramping when I was riding home. Has cramped in the same spot before but seems like it always comes back again.

short sprints
6x50 meters max effort
felt good a 2min rest after each one 5sec of effort time maybe hard to tell since I can’t time myself. Did these on the computrainer after work.

I wanted to let everyone know that I won my first road race today. It’s been a few years since I have won and it was great to do it again. Thanks for the advice with training and diet.