Am I doing it right?

Hence the focus on a few basic exercises! All those four theses can be done with highest priority in mind, if exercise selection is simplified and prioritized.

makes sence

i want talking about the fatigue on the cns i was talking about the after effect of muscle activity which can enhance subseuient training. organization of training can occur in such a manner that doesnt call for mall work loads you just have to know how to ORGANIZE. rest between methodics does not mean rest between excercise or even methods.

Could you perhaps give a clear cut example of such precise succession? Like exercise selection and order… also rest times if you like. Right now it’s just way too vague to make anything of it.

there are a lot of different after effects but they are well documented in supertrainig (3.4.2) if you dont have a copy i will transcribe it for you otherwise i would rather not have to do all the typing.

I’m sorry I don’t have it - I don’t thing you need to cite or transcribe anything thou. Why not just give a small practical example… in the end it comes down to that anyway. I’m sure it should depend on “what effects one wants to achieve”, but a small categorization is more than enough. Nothing fancy, just something ‘real’ to deal with.

I´m thinking the same at that time :smiley: please James put a practhical sample

Ye man , high intensity weights sessions demand a high output of CNS but that´s what I´ve learnt as the BIG purpose of weight training for sprinters in the most of the times (of course it depends of different points like level of the athlete, adecuate muscle mass , …)

That high intensity forces you to reduce series and exercises in the workout , increasing the rest periods.

However CF describes some “secondary lifts” to perfom at the weight session after the “primary lifts” in a less intense manner than the last ones.

ok very simply a maximal squat is performed and 5 min later a set of depth jumps are performed it has been shown that the subsequent depth jumps increase in height up to 20%. the cns is primed so to speak by the maximal squat this is known as the delayed or after effect. there are other effect for example depth jumps can stimulate a greater working ablity on the squat.

Could someone put a sample on how manage different press movements in a weight session?

I.E. Assuming that you choose Power Clean+SQT+Bench Press as the “big ones” , in wich manner would you include and periodize another moves in a 3 week cycle?

Better choose the BP over the Military Press as one of the “big ones”?

Perhaps could be a good idea add to the above mentioned exercises a pair of sets of bent over row and a pair more of Military Press performed in a less intense manner with less rest between sets?

mon - clean, sqt, bnc prs
wed - RDL, rows, militry pr
fri - repeat mon
mon - repeat wed
ect ect