Alactic Speed Work Training for Short Sprinters

good read

Yes, it is a good read. Anything from him imho is a good read.

Here is another top notch interview from with James Smith that is Hot of the Press.

Additional notes:

Charlie Francis -
Some athletes have more strength that can be expressed through weights, some through elastic response, in part from the tendons, some have a lower “viscosity” (the muscles move over themselves with less resistance due to fibre directionality), and some have a nervous system that allows them to shut down antagonists more quickly and more completely during the rapid alternation in sprinting.
Sprinters are a combination of these possibilities in varying measure.


  1. Strength can be increased
  2. Plyometrics work not only on the muscles but also at a level that elicits or favors a better elastic response
  3. Shutting down of antagonistic muscles in sprinting can be “learned” by the CNS or at least improved through max. speed training
  4. Lower viscosity of the muscles is solely affected by genetics

CF- All four factors are affected by genetics, but, 1,2,and 3 can be developed/enhanced by effective training and relaxation to varying degrees.

me-4. East Germany /Fever stories?

Charlie Francis-
Top speed is many faceted and, as I discussed on the GPP DVD, top speed can be trained as a sub max technical issue (in the GPP) and as a max speed item (early in the SPP in a S-to-L program), carried out with a full relaxed run up over a 20m distance with complete recovery.
As you probably know, it is very possible to hit speeds above those attained in an actual competitive 100m because of the lower cost of a more gradual approach to the max speed zone. The emphasis is on complete relaxation and can be done without any assisted method.
The problem for the vast majority is not to break out of a speed barrier, as they haven’t maxed out on their strength and elastic work, but to prevent one from being set in the first place.
This can be done by incorporating variable speed work (in and outs or speed change work [fast-easy-fast, flying 20s from various build-up distances, running with a strong tailwind, etc).

Advance ALL Qualities before pushing Max speed. Makes a great deal of sense and it works.

Also, I put up another video in “Classis Races” of Calvin Smith.
BJ’s 10.01 to start the 86 Outdoor Season is right there with it.
Two sprinters on opposite sides of the Spectrum.
Ben with Speed and Weights. Calvin with more of 3 imo.

In addition, Another contrast- Ben did a lot of “Finishing/Speed drills” on Grass that year in Camp.
Calvin got the “neural patterning” with the aiding wind. He took advantage of it albeit, at Altitude the following year.