Yes, but he is planting really close to his COM and has anything but an agressive take off. Perhaps is it due to his posture that he is able to get height?
discus throw 1.5kg
5 x LRLR+J 2 steps walk in, avg 16m
4x short app ljs
3x40m from blocks
aborted session
It went wonderfuly well until the 3rd 40m, I had a weird feeling in my right hamstring and the lower back of my knee. It was nowhere near a twingle, mostly like a “muscle distension”. Hammy hurts if I push something backwards.
Cause? Sprinting in 5ºC and pushing it harder than I should have. I was perfectly warmed up but the long recoveries made me cool down. So no sprinting till next week, I will have to figure out a way to train with no indoor track. And perhaps the 250 from yesterday were too much.
Btw. I video timed some LJ approaches:
4.00s / 30m avg for progressive accelerations
3.87s / 30m for hard accel