-courteous of watching accident 1 of above video, i guess im done deadlifting at similar recoveries as between ‘dense multiple short sprint accel sets’…even if the weight is a pissy little 240lbs lol
-courteous of watching accident 1 of above video, i guess im done deadlifting at similar recoveries as between ‘dense multiple short sprint accel sets’…even if the weight is a pissy little 240lbs lol
-basically a vid on the dangers of crossfit and working under fatigue in the saggital plane(forward n back), neglecting transverse abdominus and building compensation on compensation.
Ahh nevermind about the not deadlifting comment…i thought this 1st fail vid was some ‘delayed snap city effect’, but he just passed out.
-dwain chambers vid doing jump squats(375lb style)
-dwain chambers vid running over baby hurdles
That 3rd accident was horrendous.
When i watch these vids i get a gut wrenching feel…i feel as if these dudes getting hurt are my sons, new parent thing…i.e. if your 2 year old son is climbing onto top of recliner chair inmiddle of room to balance, and you see him while coming down hallway…he could fall and you take him down but he always attempts again.
If you’re talking about the strongman with the boulder, I agree. Horrifying…
-sri lankan kickboxer/mma dude goes to town on some thieves(july25,2014), somewhere on turtle island lol
June 16, 2014(monday)
Bent limb shuffle crawl-5x20secs(0:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00mins of session); pushup (flatpalms)-3x10reps(5:00, 6:00, 7:00mins); pushup claps-2x4reps(8:00, 9:00); halfsquats-3x12reps(10:00,11:00,12:00); back crawl-4x10secs(13:00,14:00,15:00,16:00); side lunge-3x6reps(17:00, 18:00, 19:00); back lunge-2x6reps(20:00, 21:00, 22:00); forward
lunge-3x6reps(23:00, 24:00, 25:00); stiff leg bent over rows(40lb.dumbs)- 2x8rep; bench press slight incline(170lbs.)-2x5reps;
bat the downward falling softball lol(bigger baseball)-16bats(8 each stance) walkback through long grass(bushstyle terrain) wearing hightops for ankle support(very uneven terrain)
-i think i may bleed a few of these into my movement/stretching routine on a supplemental short/medium term basis.
-the beautiful woman doing the stretches has me sold on them lol.
June 18, 2014(wednesday)
Bent limb shuffle crawl-3x20secs(sets at 0:00, 1:30, 3:00); backward crawl-3x20secs(at 4:30, 6:00, 7:30); jumprope skipping. double foot contact-4x30secs(15 side to side back n forth across 6x 4ft platform 15secs tota(at 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 13:30mins); forward backward 6x 6ft. platform); stiffleg/bent over
rows(40lb. dumbs)-3x6(at 15:00, 16:30, 18:00mins); bench press slight incline(170lbs.)-2x4(at 21:00, 24:00); side shuffle (20m)-4x20m(2x each direction(at 30:00, 31:00, 32:00, 33:00mins)
Session 2: 1hour 30mins later;
Short sprints/accelerative striding(0.25-0.23sec.frequency)(grass slight incline)
Warmup: 2x30m(backpedal jog), 2x10m(VMO hops), 2x20m(Askip), 3x20m(Bskip), 2x20m(high knee dorsi), 2x20m(SLR); reps at 0:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4;00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00mins
-1x9m(stride stand accel)(1.45m rate x3)(get 9.00m in 7contact),2x9m(stride 3pt accel)(1.45m rate x3)(get 9.00m in 7 contacts), 2x9m(stride 3pt accel)(1.50m rate x3)(get 9.20m in 7contacts); reps at 27:00, 28:30, 30:00, 32:00, 34:00mins
Workout: 1x11m(stride stand accel)(1.50m rate x2)(9.00-11.00m ratz x1)(get 11m in 8 contact), 1x11m(stride 3pt accel)(1.45m
rate x3)(9.00-11.00m 2.00m rate x1)(get 11m in 8contacts), 1x13.1m(stride 3pt accel)(2.45m rate x3)(9.00-13.10m 2.00, 2.10m rate)(get 13.1m in 9contacts); reps at 48:00, 50:00, 52:00mins.
2x13.1m(stride 3pt accel)(1.45m rate x3)(9.00-13.10m 2.00,
2.10m rate)(get 13.1m in 9contacts); reps at 1:01:00, 1:03:00
3x30m(stride 3pt accel)(1.45m rate x3)(20.00-30.00 2.00m rate x5); reps at 1:11:00, 1:16:00, 1:23:00mins
4x30m(stride 3pt accel)(1.45m rate x3)(20.00-30.00 2.00m rate x5); reps at 1:33:00, 1:39:00, 1:46:30, 1:53:00mins
2x40m(stride 3pt accel)(1.45m rate x3)(20.00-30.00 2.00m rate x5); reps at 2:00:00, 2:09:00mins
-total forefoot volume: 575m
-total speed volume: 395m
post session: bodyweights/weights/static stretching
Circuit: half squats, rows stiif leg slight bend(40lb dumbs), alt. forward lunge, pushup(deck edge grip)- 2x15, 8, 6, 20(sets at 0:00, 5;00)
Stretch: 8-10 hip/back/legs stretches; 4-10sec. holds of 6 stretches per exercise(total 15-25mins)
June 21, 2014(saturday)
bent limb shuffle crawl-3x20secs, backward crawl-2x20secs,
Circuit: atg squat(6rep duck feet,6rep pidgeon), stiff leg/bent over rows(40lb dumbs), half squat, pushup(deck edge)- 2x10/10, 8, 15, 15(sets at 5:00, 10:00mins)
Stepups flatfoot w/HK dorsi- 2x8 (sets at 17:30, 20:00mins)
Stepups forefoot w/HK dorsi-2x8 (sets at 22:30, 25:00mins)
Atg stepup w/skip onto/off- 2x8 (sets at 27:30, 30:00mins)
June 22, 2014(sunday)
Long ext tempo(gravel/dirt slight incline)
2x300m(stride stand easy easy accel)(10mm sole foot shape shoes-new balance minimus), 2x300m(stride stand easy easy accel)(24mm sole foot shape altra torin shoe)
-reps at 0:00, 3:30, 9:30, 14:00mins)
-total forefoot volume: 1200m
June 24, 2014(Tuesday)
circuit: half squat, pushups(deck edge grip), atg squats(duck and pidgeon feet), Slight Bend Stiff leg rows(40 lb.dumbs)- 2sets of 20, 12, 20, 8 ; sets start at 0:00, 5:00mins.
Crawl-3x20secs.; reps at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00mins
Bench Press(Slight Incline)-2x7(170lbs.) ; sets at 15:00, 18:00
Alt.Curls(40lb.dumbs)-2x8 ; sets at 20:00, 21:00
June 25, 2014(Wednesday)
circuit: half squat, pushups(deck edge grip), atg squats(duck and pidgeon feet), Slight Bend Stiff leg rows(40 lb.dumbs)- 2sets of 15, 10, 10, 8 ; sets start at 0:00, 5:00mins.
Side Lunge- 2x6(each side 2x); sets start at 10:00, 12:00
Sumo Deadlift(Left and Right switch grip-somewhat useful as pattern for shovel digging construction footings or left hand hockey stick pattern)- 4x3(240lbs.); sets start at 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00mins
Conv Deadlift(left and right switch grip)- 4x3(240lbs.); sets start at 24:00, 26:00, 28:00, 30:00mins
StepUps onto Flatfoot w/High Knee Dorsi- 2x12(each side 2X); sets start at 32:30, 35:00mins
StepUps onto Forefoot w/High Knee Dorsi- 2x12(each side 2X); sets start at 37:30, 40:00mins
Lateral Step Up Continuous Back n Forth over 18-20inch box- 3X18reps(holding breath for every 2reps and blowing out on every 3rd rep ; sets start at 43:00, 45:00, 47:00mins
June 26, 2014(Thursday)
Bench Press Slight Incline(170lbs.)- 4x5 ; sets at 0:00, 4:00, 13:00, 17:00mins
Slight Bend Stiff leg rows(40 lb.dumbs)- 3x8 : sets at 1:00, 5:00, 14:00mins
Super set quick walk on undulating Slight and Steep Gravel Incline- 2x 6minute walk(3mins walk out 3mins walk back); sets at 6:00, 18:00mins
June 29, 2014(Sunday)
200 buckets of water hauling with various size pails, since sumppump water pump was missing from shed, so emptied out the crawlspace with pails.
June 30, 2014(Monday)
200 buckets of water hauling-1.5hours total
-the number of buckets sounds like lots of labour but really it did nothing to drain footings/crawlspace foundation of 2 feet of water. Went and bought new sumppump water pump, which drained out footings/crawlspace PWF foundation walls in approximately 3hours.
session2: Striding/Trail Style Technical Running(specific foot placement)(quick session/non formal sprint training)(wet fine gravel/dirt mud surface)
-new balance minimus trail shoes(10mm forefoot): 1x105strides(slight incline), 1x17strides(steeper incline), 1x300m stride(slight decline); reps at 0:00, 4:00, 7:00mins.
30minutes water hauling(80buckets); from 15:00 to 45:00mins.
-vibram lontra toe slot shoe(8mm forefoot): 1x 30m(stride walk-into accel)(steeper incline), 1x 90strides(walk-into accel)(slight decline/incline), 1x 75strides(walk-into accel), 1x 60strides(walk-into accel)(steepest incline); reps at 1:00:00, 1:02:00, 1:05:00, 1:06:00mins.
July 3, 2014(Thursday)
Striding/Trail Style Running(quick nothing eff all sprint style session-its just mixed in with some walking)
1x 45 strides(steepdecline/slight decline),1x10m(high knee), 1x10m(straight leg run), 2x30 strides(skip-into accel), 1x75strides(slight decline); reps at 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 9:00
July 5, 2014(Saturday)
Strides/sprints(quick session)(beach sand surface)
3x 30strides; reps at 0:00, 2:00, 4:00mins; was already warmed up from walking and tending to sons on the beach.
July 6, 2014(Sunday)
Speed Endurance/C.S.W.(Grass Flats/Dips; Dips since running across 3 soccer fields, the dips are the sidelines/water drainage for the soccer pitches)
(1X90m(stride walk-into easy accel), 1X60m(stride skip-into easy accel))x3; reps at 0:00, 1:00, 3:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:00
2X20m(Askip), 2x20m(Bskip), 2x10/20m(Askip/stride accel), 2x10/20m(Bskip/stride accel); 1reps at 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:30, 22:00, 23:30, 25:00mins.
1x60m(stride stand accel)(1.3m rate x3), 1x60m(stride 3pt accel)(1.3m rate x3); reps at 36:30, 39:00mins.
1x90m(stride 3pt accel)(1.3m rate x3), reps at 48:00mins.
1x120m(stride stand accel)(1.45m rate x2), 1x110m(stride 3pt accel)(1.45m rate x2), 1x140m(stride 3pt accel)(1.45m rate x2), 1x80m(stride 3pt accel)(1.45m rate x2); reps at 1:02:00, 1:23:00, 1:37:00, 1:48:00mins of session.
Total Forefoot Volume: 1310m
Total Speed Volume: 660m
Session2: General/movement/bodyweights/weights(session)
circuit: bent limb shuffle crawl, pushups(dumbbell grip), half squat, slight bend stiff leg rows(40lbs.)-2x15, 20, 12, 20; sets at 0:00, 5:00
static stretch: 8-12 stretches(4 types hip stretches, 3 types of core/back/anterior stretches, 3 types hamstring stretches, 2 types of achilles/calves stretch, 2 types of quadricep stretches); 4-6 breath in out holds for 3-4 reps per stretch(total stretching 20-30minutes(holds maybe 6-12 seconds, have always been a fast breather-mild asthma as youngster)
July 8, 2014(Tuesday)
Short Sprints/Accelerative Striding(0.25-0.23sec. frequency)(Concrete steep incline)
warmup: 4x20m(High Knee freq.-no actively dorsiflexing up incline), 2x20m(skip for height), 2x30m(skip for height), 2x5/25m(High knee frequency/stride accel); reps at 0:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:30, 11:00, 13:00mins. of session.
-1x10m(stride stand accel)(1.3m rate x8), 2x10m(stride 3pt accel)(1.3m rate x8); reps at 19:30, 20:30, 22:00mins.
-1x20m(stride stand accel)(1.3m rate x8)(10-13.60m 1.80m rate x2), 2x20m(stride 3pt accel)(1.3m rate x8)(10-13.60m 1.80m rate x2); reps at 31:00, 32:00, 34:00mins.
-1x20m(stride 3pt accel)(1.4m rate x2)(10-13.80m 1.90m rate x2), 1x30m(stride 3pt accel)(1.4m rate x2)(10-13.80m 1.90m rate x2); reps at 44:00, 46:00mins.
-total forefoot volume: 360m
-total speed volume: 140m
Weights(quick session)
Bench press slight incline(170lbs.)-2x6reps
slight bend stiff leg rows(40lb.dumbs)-2x7reps
alt. curls(40lb.dumbs)-2x9reps
static stretch: 4-6 breath holds.
July 11, 2014(Friday)
bent limb shuffle crawl- 4x10meter(sets at 0:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00mins.)
forefoot atg squat/dumbbell grip pushups- 4x6/8reps(sets at 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00mins.)
half squat- 4x10reps(sets at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00mins.)
slight bend stiff leg rows(40lbs. dumbs)- 4x12reps(at 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00mins.)
stepups to flatfoot w/high knee dorsiflex- 2x8reps(at 20:00, 22:30mins.)
stepups to forefoot w/high knee dorsiflex- 2x8reps(at 25:00, 27:30mins.)
bench press slight incline(170lbs.)- 2x5reps(at 30:00, 34:00mins)
forward lunge stationary alternating- 2x8reps(at 36:00, 38:00mins)
quick session 2: Striding/ Ext. Tempo(grass slight incline)
-1x60m(stride walk-into easyeasy accel), 1x80m(stride skip-into easyeasy accel), 2x60/80m(stride walk-into easyeasy accel/stride skip-into easyeasy accel), 2x80/120m(stride walk-into easyeasy accel/stride skip-into easyeasy accel); reps a 1:38:00, 1:39:30, 1:40:30, 1:42:00, 1:43:00, 1:44:30, 1:45:30, :47:00, 1:48:00, 1:49:30mins.
-total forefoot volume: 700m
quick session 3: Bodyweight/Movements
Jumprope skip 2foot contacts- 3x40secs.(sets at 3:15:00, 3:17:00, 3:19:00mins)
backward medball toss(10lb.)- 6x1reps
-a lil descriptive perspective video picture montage on pietro mennea ‘highlighted/in response/reaction’ to his passing onto the spirit world.
-another vid from the same username, this ones on sodium bicarbonate(baking soda) as an aid to increase endurance.
-youtube username: Uncle Theodor
Bi carb was banned for race horses years ago, about 15 years after pep tides.