acronyms and stuff!

what does “gpp” stand for and what does it consist of? futhermore, what is this 3-1-3 thing mean? and if you could tell me what the rest of these 1-2-3, bdp, std or whatever the hell means, it would make life a little easier for me! thanks

Originally posted by run641
what does “gpp” stand for and what does it consist of? futhermore, what is this 3-1-3 thing mean? and if you could tell me what the rest of these 1-2-3, bdp, std or whatever the hell means, it would make life a little easier for me! thanks

GPP - General Preparation Phase

Basically consists of general conditioning work. Some do speed work during this phase, some don’t. It all depends. GPP setup is based soley on the athlete.


Refers to a mesocycle (3-1). That is three loading weeks, usually going easy/med./hard and one unloading week. The loading week build up the level of fitness and get progressively harder, and during the unloading week volume OR intensity may drop, again dependent upon the athlete. So it is 3 loading, 1 unloading, 3 loading.

What else are you curious on?

thanks a good deal, 400stud. as of now i have no questions. but if i do i will post!

I tihnk this is a good thread so ill add a few before they are asked…

CNS- Central Nervous System

COM-Center of Mass aka Center of Gravity

ROM-Range of Motion

RDL-Romanian Deadlift

I agree.

What’s PNF?

PNF: Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.

eg. contracting your muscle against a force for a certain amount of time and then relaxing it, allowing you to stretch further.

Can you give an example stretch?

ex. When you lay on your back and have a partner lift your leg up in an attempt to stretch your hamstring. And after 15 seconds they say go and you try to bring your leg to the ground against there resistance and then relax for a few seconds and do it again.

Guys just to refresh my memory i havent taken motor behavior in 2 years…
When doing PNF muscle spidle fibers are turned off or something liek that? what exaclty is the mechanism and what happens?

one they missed run 641— std stands for sexually transmitted disease, no matter what anyone on this site says, stay away from those.