Achilles Tendonitis

It depended on when we felt the pain, so if the achillies could be felt during normal walking then would wear until it didn’t Same as jogging striding and then sprints, I personally was suprised with the relief and soon after therapy effect it gave. I only came accros it by using normal tape around my ankle noticed it relieved the pain a little so investigated and found this support

ok it all makes sense now…myself hallux limitus begins 6 years ago…subconsciously started walking different to preserve the natural dorsiflexion remaining in both great big toe joints(my old natural walking where i achieved full quadrupalextension would place stress on the big toe joints thus reducing the remaining dorsiflexion through the bone growth/spurs that occur)…same thing with jogging and sprinting…subconsciously preserving big toe remaining dorsiflexion by not achieving full quadrupalextension, thus i appear to sit when sprinting jogging or walking…this subconscious preservation of the big toe joint causes torque and all kinds of stress on the lower leg exremities …stress showed up first in the achilles…when the stress isnt there it sometimes goes to the soleus or ankles or even knees or lower back…hell even the upper hamstring lol for fuck saes haha

cushining shoes help heaps, not the supportive ones.
Also, ensure the calfs are not knotted up, relieve the pressure from them.
And most importantly, the tibilias anterior, it is typically pathetically weak and crazy tight. Its a much neglected yet vital lower leg muscle.

agree with u there i’ve gone through prob 30 pairs of nike runner pegasus the past 5 years, only sprint 2x sometimes 3x a week always on grass from april to november. For myself it’s crazy how much more volume can be done per session on grass in runners versus on rubber in runners without loading up the achilles(myself its nearly 2x the volume). As well how much longer i could run on grass without losing rhythymn vversus on rubber where the rhythymn wanes after about 160m(achilles gets pissed), grass could keep it going with a good rhythymn and feelng nothing in the achiles for 300m

yeah, i think my joggers only really last 3mnths’ish.
I have saucony pro grid trimph 7. Best shoes i have personally ever tried.
I can last 5km ok in flats before things get sore, or about 2km of tempo. Just not worth the pain.

Shorter bouts of faster work in less shoes or spikes is ok. Its a pain, but when in spikes, in the rest periods, change back into joggers, avoid walks n jogs unless in joggers. Well worth the extra effort.

Deff get them thumbs into that tibilas anterior, or better yet, get a Palm Jade stone, like on the fundamentals dvd. Absolutely Magic

I’ve started to get achilles soreness since getting into spikes after coming out of plaster a few months ago. It isn’t too bad, it comes on after sprinting and jumping on mondo.

I’m currently doing 3x20 eccentrics x3 per day… adding 5k per week. There is a lot of literature showing fantastic results using eccentrics. I’ve dropped all sprinting for now.

A friend of mine had acupuncture on his… all pain had gone after 2 sessions and hasn’t returned.

If the pain hasn’t totally subsided by October (GPP) I’ll do this also.

i had a chronic achilles injury maybe 7years ago. i went to the best physio money could buy and we work relentlessly on eccentric heal drops twice a day everyday for months followed by icing. during treatment he would heat the achilles up with aid of a machine to loosen it more then he would do some cross friction on it…very very sore! calfs suppleness was always addressed.

now i have long retired from track but play alot of golf. i bought adidas golf shoes last week and they flaired up my achilles after a few holes of play…i recently put my orthodics into them and hey pain gone