I’m probably not the best person to answer this because I am stronger than most of the HSi guys (3X15+10 @ 205 on bench yesterday, still doing accumulation, and I’ll be up to 3X15 @ 225-235 before tapering for comp, while Ato got up to 3-5 X 5 at the same weight). Except for football guys (Leonard Scott), most of the HSI guys actually aren’t that strong, because John Smith doesn’t emphasize big weight numbers. Mo’s max squat was barely over half what Ben did, although it’s not clear what Mo could have done if he tried. Ato’s bench PR is barely 300 pounds.
What you’ll learn if you try John Smith’s technique honestly is that it’s all about extended acceleration. You keep your head down longer (gradually bringing it up), you accelerate for a longer distance and a longer time–and you reach a higher top speed.
There is a catch coming, and that is that the athlete has to be strong enough (in either pure strength or explosive power) to accelerate long enough to reach the higher top speed. If this isn’t the case, the athlete either runs slower because the power runs out or he gets injured because the technique falls apart from a lack of strength, and it’s the dropout of form rather than the drive phase that causes the athlete to get injured. All of the comments from Charlie about acceleration limits apply here.
What has worked for me using the technique:
Do a series of 60 meter sprints, coming up at different times over, say 30-55 meters. Stick with the one that gives the fastest time and consider that the acceleration limit.
Using a block setup about the way John Smith has it (see my post above), when at the “marks” position, look at a point on the track 3-4" in front of the line. When you get to set and rock forward, you will be looking straight down, and your head will be down but in line with the spine as Charlie says. {but see the video of Mo’s 60m WR with Mo obviously looking back when in the set position}.