abdominal core

i hit a new PB in the squat but my abdominal core area was weakening during the lift, as i felt extra pressure on the back. But nothing serious it was 4 days ago and i feel fine checked my back and it is fine. SPotter says i had trouble but my back was arched and straight. I have been doing lots of ab workouts and after a week or so it is easy, but i cant find anything to stimulate or get the deep abdominals like the transverse to be very freaking strong like mega belt. I need the good stuff that enables the functional strength to kick in. Should i do cables from an angle? I do the power breathing but i get the feeling i might get the hernia when i do it, however i do feel it in the obliques when i do the breath outs. I also do this breath similar when doing squats.

Should i just buy a belt and ONLY use it on max days? If it were to increase my lifts 30-40 lbs would compensate and gain strength?