"A" n´"B" drills

Hello everyone!!!
could someone tell me where I can find a sample movie of “A” and “B” drills?
(maybe someone could place a personal video)

Lot of thanks and be with God!!! :slight_smile:

GPP DVD also try there are lots of disucssion of this in the archieves. Try searching for drills or A B skips or something similar.

Someone posted these on the forums some time ago:

Mach Drill A Skips

Mach Drill B Skips

could you add some description on the drills? :o Thanks for your help!!!

I´m looking at some of the pictures on the CFTS book and I can see that heel don´t raises up to the butt , by other side in the video of John Smith (in the video section of the forum) it seems that John is raising up the heel to the butt (what kind of drill is that?)

I´m very confused about that!!! :confused:
I´m searching for some specifical info on the CFTS book , but I can´t find more than this photos :frowning:
I´ve searched in the net too but I´ve found contradictions on that. :mad:

Well hope you could help me!!! :o

I am pretty sure they are the same drill. Some people do them with relaxed form (Charlie) while others aim to make them picture perfect. I’m not sure if it really makes a difference because you don’t think about it when running in reality. So long as your ROM permits it your leg will fold up underneath you and the neel will come close to the butt.